This thread should give an short overview on the why and the how to invest. I want to extend it to something like a knowledge base summing up inportant information. lots of it is given here in a very not-so-ordered form. please add your comments about other important topics. You are welcome to post texts that i can implement into this head post
- pros & cons: distributing etf vs accumulation
- pros & cons: swiss based vs. foreign based (Ireland, Luxemburg, US,…)
- swiss taxation: dividends, foreign dividends,…
- extend theoretical backgroud: thoroughly motivate passive investment
- add adjustable examples, i.e. excel calculations
Theoretical background
Mustachian investing is based on the most rational thing to do. this a priori excludes all sorts of gambling, i.e. Casinos, daytrading, CFX, stock picking, market timing, playing lotto for financial reasons,… to name a few. The backbone is the Nobel Prize winning modern portfolio theory. Its main Ideas are
- Markets are efficient
- Markets are random, although returns converg to a positive mean value over time
some basic deductions are
- an increase in expected return always increases risk
- You can neither predict nor outsmart the market beyond luck
- Even professionals fail to do so on average, so dont waste money on expensive managers
- But you can follow the market up to very small fees, and be better off than in any other way on the long term
ETFs / mutual funds
- cost of investing
- cost of letting others decide for you
- optimal solution: ETF’s, Index funds and Buy&hold
how to get started
- how to find your risk tolerance level
- how to put together a portfolio that suits that level
- how to find individual funds
- how to actually buy an ETF, or even find out what is available
Handbook of taxation
Further literature
- bogleheads
- Mr. MoneyMustach himself
- Investopedia on Passive Investing
- Investopedia on Active vs. Passive Investment
What I read in the past
Here the list of Books that made me think the way I think about investing. Being a Mustachian, i got them all from the library for free
- 07.2014 Private Equity ein Thema fĂĽr Schweizer Privatanleger? Bruno Bachmann Bachmann, Bruno
- 07.2014 Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds und ETFs wie Privatanleger das Spiel gegen die Finanzbranche ge Kommer, Gerd
- 08.2014 Was Sie ĂĽber Geldanlage wissen sollten ein Wegweiser der Neuen ZĂĽrcher Zeitung fĂĽr Privatanleger Ferber, Michael
- 01.2015 Exchange Traded Fund-Rating Marktüberblick, Einsatzkriterien und Praxiseinsatz Oliver Everling, Gö Everling, Oliver
- 02.2015 Portfolio theory and risk management Maciej J. Capiński, Ekkehard Kopp Capiński, Maciej J.
- 02.2015 Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) Grundlagen, Funktionsweise und praktischer Einsatz [Hrsg.: SIX Swiss Exc Picard, Alain
- 02.2015 Die Buy-and-hold-Bibel was Anleger fĂĽr langfristigen Erfolg wissen mĂĽssen Gerd Kommer Kommer, Gerd
- 03.2015 Anlegen wie die Profis mit ETFs Claus Hecher Hecher, Claus
- 04.2015 Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis Edwin J. Elton … [et al.] Elton, Edwin J.
- 09.2015 Exchange traded funds und Anlagestrategien das ETF-Praxisbuch Daniel Niedermayer und Marcel Wagner Niedermayer, Daniel
- 09.2015 Steuern alles Wichtige über Einkommens-, Vermögens- und weitere Steuerarten mit vielen Tipps zum S Metzger, Thomas
- 11.2015 The power of passive investing more wealth with less work Richard A. Ferri Ferri, Richard A.
- 02.2016 All about asset allocation Richard A. Ferri Ferri, Richard A.