Zurich Mustachian Meetups (updated)

hey mr paprika, whats about the next meetup?
thank you in advance

Hi Together,

first of all, happy new year everyone! Sorry for my delay, I’m super busy at the moment, and I didn’t managed a next meetup yet. Yes, we can look for potential dates from the beginning March 2020, it would be easier to find a good one to fit the most of you :wink:

Mr.P :hot_pepper:

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Here we go again!
The first Mustachian Meetup 2020 in Zurich :wink:
Please attend until the 5th of March 2020.
Location: The Green Room @Limmatplatz Zurich

Mr.Paprika :hot_pepper:

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Sorry, meetings with more than 1000 people are not allowed.


And people from Ticino are not welcome. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dear Mustachians,
we’re all done! Deadline is now over, and the 1st Zurich Mustachian Meetup in 2020 will be on the: 12.03.2020, in The Green Room, Limmatplatz Zurich.
Beginning from 6pm. :beers:

Please stay at home if you are sick, and do not risk your health or someone else.
According to the list of participants are now 12 people.

See you next week!
Happy weekend :sunny:


Thanks Paprika, if it’s ok, I might also show up even though I have not participated in the doodle.

thank you very much for organising :smiley: see you

Given the development of the corona virus epidemic I will not come and I humbly suggest that you call the meeting off, as I believe we should brace for the numbers picking up quickly also in Switzerland.

Hi Giff,

The Meetup will be still organized. We aren’t more than 15 people there. But thanks for your suggest.
Everybody can decide free to participate or not.


Dear all, considerung the current risk/benefit ratio I decided to not participate. Looking forward to meet you next time…

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I would like to come but given the situation I will rather stay home.
Stay safe, stay outside if possible and not too close…
Maybe we could make it virtual as well, what do you think?


Hi Together,

I was considering today to postpone the Meetup according to the actual pandemic situation. How could we organize a Meetup online? I can offer you a Google Meet (paid version of the Google Hangout) conference room, and you can join from home with a beer/tea/or whatever you like :slight_smile:

What do you think? Should we postpone the Meetup?

Mr.Paprika :hot_pepper:

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Postponing is a good and reasonable idea considering the current situation. Let’s stay in touch and catch up as soon as the situation has eased. Thanks for your efforts so far!

I guess if you postpone, then it’s rather for psychological/political, than health reasons. I mean, at any given moment there are hundreds of spontaneous “meetups” in Zurichs trams and buses, and the number of participants exceeds 15 :slight_smile: . That being said, I think it makes sense to postpone.

More or less that’s the point. I’d say I’m sharing your opinion, and tending to postpone more because of those reasons you wrote. I’m sad to say, but I feel better, when we postpone it.

I will inform the participants in the Doodle and here, the meetup topic.

I’m pretty sad… :slightly_frowning_face:

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I won’t join and reduce my social interactions only to people I know, I want to and have to meet.

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And what about your non-social interactions? Visit to supermarket, public transport? Walk down the busy street?

1 meter rule, I am anyways already a cyclist so I don‘t need to take buses or trams. I go and buy groceries outside of rush hours. If I see old people I try to keep 2 meters distance. I am intentionally not visiting my parents anymore since 2 weeks.


Meetup officially cancelled

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