Zurich Mustachian Meetups (updated)

Hi Together,

to be connected not only virtually, but in person too, let’s meet in Zurich. The goal of the topic is to be informed about the latest Mustachian Meetups in Zurich, and attend on the Doodle if you want to be part of them.

This Mustachian Meetup won’t be organized on a regular basis, but this is the place to start creating the event.

I’m looking forward for interesting discussions, mind share, fun chats, and much more.

Happy meetupz!
Mr.P :hot_pepper:


Hi Fellow Mustachians,
I’ve created a new Doodle for our November Meetup . Location and weekday the same, feel free to attend. Doodle will closed on the 8th of November.

Location: The Green Room, Zurich Limmatplatz
Dates: see the options in the Doodle

Due to the cold weather, wanted to mention, the “mustachian-way” of the meetup (grab your snack and beverages at the supermarket, and let’s go outside) probably won’t work. If you have better and more mustachian options for a location near around the main station of Zurich (HB), let me please know, and we will consider an update! :wink:

Cheers :tumbler_glass:


RIP will be there :slight_smile:


Hello! I have never participated to a Mustachian Meetup until now, but finally the date is good for me. Looking forward to meeting you guys.

21 people! Damn, it will be a decent party! I’ll be there for sure, can’t miss the second one.

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I have school every Thursday until 21h -.-", maybe next time

Awesome will try to be there again :slight_smile:

Holy Mustache :scream::flushed:
Already 24 attendees till now…
I’m so excited to meet you all soon!


Make that 25. Zurich is not that far for a little trip :slight_smile:

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32 registered? Wow… that’s a lot people.

Dear Mustachians,

The Doodle has been closed, and the final option is the 21st of November, Thursday!
Save the date, and I’m looking forward to see you again at The Green Room, Zurich Limmatplatz. We’re 33 of us, who attended! WOW!!!

I’ll talk to The Green Room to organize us a separate room, to have our Meetup more focused on our group :wink:

Mr.P :hot_pepper:


Hello everyone,

I just missed the Doodle announcement. Can I still join the meetup on 21 Nov?


I have a meeting in ZH on Friday, if I can manage to arrive already on Thursday evening I’ll join

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Sure! Everybody is welcome!

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Wow separate room. Fancy :tada::blush:

I called them, and tried to do my best. Reservation is done, hopefully in their event room. I think at this amount of attendees, is important to have enough room for our conversations, and keep the meetup on an enjoyable level :slight_smile:

I’m thinking about one or two focus topics, when you are interested. Any ideas, questions from your everyday mustachian life? Let me know, maybe we can set a focus and some presentation for our event.

I’m wondering if any of You would like to present some non-commercial topic, and start an interesting discussion about it! Drop me a pm if some of you’d be interested.


  • broker platforms and experiences
  • etf strategies for a swiss mustachian
  • tax optimization hacks, tipps
  • experiences in Swiss p2p investing
  • real estate investment on the Swiss market (why and how to start)

I don’t have overall experience in all of the topics above, these are only draft ideas.

Mr.P :hot_pepper:


Unfortunately that day I have another meeting+dinner :frowning:

Dear Zurich Meetup attendee Mustachians :man:t2:

I was yesterday in The Green Room, and everything is fine with our Meetup on this Thursday :wink: Unfortunately the separated room (which I was thinking about) is more a separated area, but they are waiting for us!

So please don’t forget the Meetup, and I hope we will see all of us there!

See you, and have a nice Wednes&ThursDAY :smiley:
Mr.P. :hot_pepper:


Unfortunately I won‘t be able to make it today, due to unforeseen circumstances. Though as I already see people above „ready to take my place“, I hope there’s no shortage of attendees.

Above all, I hope you guys have a great time!

Still possible to join?