The perfect market timing tool

Will do when I have the time.

In the meantine ETH went up from 2000 to 2450 while I was hesitating to buy some.


We hodlers of ETH are happy as long as you stay out of that market.

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I know you know it already intellectually, but that it’s hard to make it an intuitive truth for ourselves that, long term, no matter what the market does short term, you are poised for success.

It’s very hard not to focus on the moves of the voting machine (short term) and to keep our sight fixed on the weighting machine process occurring long term, but that’s what works, and that’s where we have agency: we can’t choose the short term moves of the market, but we can stick to staying the course, that alone is in our power, and that power over our investing success belongs to us alone.

I wish you peace of mind while you get lifted up by the tide, no matter what stormy waves shake your boat on the surface. You’ll probably enjoy the years over years longer term gains more than the daily/weekly pikes/drops occurring when you lumpsum.



Sure, lump-sum investing be slightly advantageous, historically and statistically.

But since you’re defying statistics anyway, why don‘t you try do cost-averaging over a period of time?

No way, I’d* shoot dead @San_Francisco’s ETH gamble with a lump-sum. No mercy for crypto. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Well, I’d actually not put a single frank/whatever other currency into crypto at this juncture but to each their own.

Still waiting to buy ETH but of course I’ll never see 2k in my life ever again.


Don’t worry, it will go to 2k on its way to zero. This is a scientifically proven fact.


How so?

I want to hold 2.0 ETH. Might be worth 100k by end of this decade? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you go from 2.5k to 0, you cross 2k. This is simple mathematics. Assuming that the price is a continuous enough function and won’t drop from over 2.5k to 0 directly, of course.

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Yes, but he needs to buy first to trigger the Cortana Effect.

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Wouldn’t it also skip 2k if it went from 2001 to 1999 in one go? Prices are discrete, after all, it can jump from any number to any number at any time without having to go through any of the numbers inbetween.

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Technically yes.

But it’s customary to describe common time plots like Dr.Pi did (and the Dr. even has a mathemical constant as his/her user name).


Fair enough, I had somehow mistakenly read Cortana’s comment as him not ever being able to buy ETH at 2k but since “see[ing]” was the word used, I guess it would show on a plot, ghostly as it could be.

Also quite practically. If Cortana sets a limit order at 2k, it will be executed at 2k. There are no trading stops in crypto trading, so no price gaps.


Bought 3 VTI today @226.58$. Lets see how this turns out.

My bonus will be invested on February 21st. Just to give you guys a warning.


$210 by next Wednesday it is then. :rofl:

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The market is obviously waiting for my bonus. Expect to see a new ATH as soon as I get it, only to get a 10-30% correction afterwards :smiley:


5k in VTI next Monday and 1.8k in Viac next Tuesdsy.

Be prepared.

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The american market is closed on monday

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Omg. Then everything will be invested on Tuesday.

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