In 2017 I finished my bank internship, so most of the salary is from the internship. Afterwards I worked as a basic client advisor at the cash desk and beginning of 2019 I got promoted as a private client advisor (for people with 150-800k in assets or/and mortgages). That’s the job I’m doing now since 2 years. 2020 was special due to getting promoted to a higher rank, higher than usual bonus and rather big salary jump. 2021 is lower due to lower bonus (2020 sucked because of Corona). I hope to get to 110-120k total comp within the next 2-3 years.
In case it’s of use to someone starting in the field:
2016 - entry salary - environmental engineer MSc working on road projects - Wallis : 75K gross
2017 - environmental engineer MSc working in hydraulics - Wallis : 77K gross
2018 - public, Gemeinde of 1k to 2k inhabitants, head of a very small infrastructure department - Wallis : 90K gross
In case you think growth of total comp is the only way
At age 34 I got a salary rise and reduced workload to 80%
At age 52 I got a salary rise and chose to move to Luxembourg instead (and earn even less)
All figures in CHF at current conversion rates.
All figures based on Feb salary each year (when annual raises are factored in)
CH figures include health insurance (given as a taxable benefit)
CH figures do not include bonus - 5% of annual salary
IN - 1999 - 1,813 - Start of employment at 21 years
IN - 2000 - 2,505
IN - 2001 - 2,820
IN - 2002 - 3,200
To sum up a bit my poor number, I ended up my study at the age of 26 years old in 2016. Since then, I was looking for a position as a trainee lawyer. However, in my Canton, finding such position it’s really difficult so it took me 5 years to finally have an opportunity from a lawyer to do a complete internship as a trainee lawyer in order to pass the bar exam.
Between 2018 and 2020, I’ve worked in 4 differents places and in 4 differents positions. I would love to have a straight career, but life sometimes is a bit harsch. What I’ve learned from my situation is to never give up and pursue your dream (yes because I wanted to become a lawyer at 8 years old).
June 2021: Trainee Lawyer in a Law firm - 3’500 CHF/m
I hope that once I pass my bar exam and work as a lawyer, my salary will skyrocket and that the field where I want to work will help with that (data protection and financial regulation).
It should skyrocket then… With hourly rates billed CHF 600 - CHF 1’000 per hour to the client, there should be enough to pay their employee well. From what I see, it about the same as in consulting, the clients pay very much, most of the work ist done by the underpaid juniors and the more seniors employees and partner cash in
For a couple of years, I would have said definitely yes. I do not work in IT but my impression is that IT is becoming so important nowaydays that today, that could be the IT consultants that earn more.
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