Share your salary progression

It would be nice to see some career progressions. You can give the numbers some context if you want. Total comp:

2017: CHF 49’500
2018: CHF 68’000
2019: CHF 78’000
2020: CHF 102’000
2021: CHF 90’500

In 2017 I finished my bank internship, so most of the salary is from the internship. Afterwards I worked as a basic client advisor at the cash desk and beginning of 2019 I got promoted as a private client advisor (for people with 150-800k in assets or/and mortgages). That’s the job I’m doing now since 2 years. 2020 was special due to getting promoted to a higher rank, higher than usual bonus and rather big salary jump. 2021 is lower due to lower bonus (2020 sucked because of Corona). I hope to get to 110-120k total comp within the next 2-3 years.


I’ll help a bit with the depressed stuff:

Progression described in detail at | How I grew my salary by 31x in the last 17 years


That’s total comp, not salary right?

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My gross salary at age:

  • 21: 10 PLN/h (summer job)
  • 22: 15 PLN/h (assistant)
  • 23: 2400 PLN/m (first full time)
  • 25: 3800 PLN/m
  • 26: 5000 PLN/m
  • 27: 7000 PLN/m
  • 28: 9000 PLN/m
  • 29: 9000 CHF/m (moved to CH)
  • 31: 150 CHF/h (contracting)

My yearly gross salary:

  • 2009 with 23 years: 4,000 EUR
  • 2010: 10,000 EUR
  • 2011: 12,000 EUR
  • 2012: 14,500 EUR
  • 2013: 15,500 EUR
  • 2014: 16,000 EUR
  • 2015: 21,500 EUR
  • 2016: 25,200 EUR
  • 2017: 24,000 EUR + 30,000 CHF moved to Switzerland
  • 2018: 130,000 CHF
  • 2019: 140,000 CHF
  • 2020: 143,000 CHF

correct… basically what the “Lohnausweis” stated at the end of the year.

In case it’s of use to someone starting in the field:

2016 - entry salary - environmental engineer MSc working on road projects - Wallis : 75K gross
2017 - environmental engineer MSc working in hydraulics - Wallis : 77K gross
2018 - public, Gemeinde of 1k to 2k inhabitants, head of a very small infrastructure department - Wallis : 90K gross


In case you think growth of total comp is the only way :smiley:
At age 34 I got a salary rise and reduced workload to 80%
At age 52 I got a salary rise and chose to move to Luxembourg instead (and earn even less)



Gross salary figures

IN - India
DE - Germany

All figures in CHF at current conversion rates.
All figures based on Feb salary each year (when annual raises are factored in)
CH figures include health insurance (given as a taxable benefit)
CH figures do not include bonus - 5% of annual salary

IN - 1999 - 1,813 - Start of employment at 21 years
IN - 2000 - 2,505
IN - 2001 - 2,820
IN - 2002 - 3,200

2 year break for MBA

IN - 2004 - 6,295
IN - 2005 - 7,554
DE - 2006 - 60,000
US - 2007 - 72,000
US - 2008 - 77,000
CH - 2009 - 104,000
CH - 2010 - 106,000
CH - 2011 - 113,992
CH - 2012 - 120,000
CH - 2013 - 120,000
CH - 2014 - 120,000
CH - 2015 - 132,000
CH - 2016 - 132,000
CH - 2017 - 136,032
CH - 2018 - 142,306
CH - 2019 - 146,129
CH - 2020 - 149,265
CH - 2021 - 150,668


FYI, to be comparable (esp. for countries with more inflation than switzerland) should quote inflation adjusted numbers.

Approximately 1% annualised increase over the last 8 years for me.
I won’t draw you a graph.


To sum up a bit my poor number, I ended up my study at the age of 26 years old in 2016. Since then, I was looking for a position as a trainee lawyer. However, in my Canton, finding such position it’s really difficult so it took me 5 years to finally have an opportunity from a lawyer to do a complete internship as a trainee lawyer in order to pass the bar exam.

Between 2018 and 2020, I’ve worked in 4 differents places and in 4 differents positions. I would love to have a straight career, but life sometimes is a bit harsch. What I’ve learned from my situation is to never give up and pursue your dream (yes because I wanted to become a lawyer at 8 years old).

So here are my poor number:

  • 2010 - 2017: Security Agent (Student Job) - 25 CHF/h
  • 2018: Legal trainee in an International Company - 3’600 CHF/m (for 6 months)
  • 2018: Unemployment insurance (for 2 months)
  • 2018 - 2019: Clerk in a Court - 6’000 CHF/m (for 10 months)
  • 2019: Unemployment insurance (for 2 months)
  • 2019 - 2020: Trainee Lawyer in a Court - 3’500 CHF/m (for 6 months)
  • 2020: Junior Legal Officer - 6’200 CHF/m (for 5 months - thanks Covid-19)
  • 2020 - 2021: Unemployment insurance (thanks Covid-19)
  • June 2021: Trainee Lawyer in a Law firm - 3’500 CHF/m

I hope that once I pass my bar exam and work as a lawyer, my salary will skyrocket and that the field where I want to work will help with that (data protection and financial regulation).


0% increase in the last 9 years, apart for a paid phone contract that started I think 6 years ago and a GA. I can draw you a graph
here: ________


It should skyrocket then… With hourly rates billed CHF 600 - CHF 1’000 per hour to the client, there should be enough to pay their employee well. From what I see, it about the same as in consulting, the clients pay very much, most of the work ist done by the underpaid juniors and the more seniors employees and partner cash in :wink:


Are most lawyers paid higher than IT consultants?
Often, bill hours are less than real work hours, you also need to include staff/assistant, rent, ect

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Approximately 2.5% annualized over the last 9 years for me, excluding bonus which is pretty much random.

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+14% CAGR in the last 3 years, currently in the lower six digits, working in financial services, <30 y/o with master’s

Yearly gross salary:

2012 - 2018 : Mainly student jobs at ~25CHF/hour
2019 : 72.5k CHF
2020 : 78k CHF
2021 : 84.5k CHF + eventual bonus

I’m 27 years old since a month. Hoping that I will increase that some more.


My contribution.

Background: Msc in Actuarial Science (Mathematics for Insurance.

2018 (Graduation): 95K
2019: 95K (Big 4)
2020-2021: 112K (Insurance)


For a couple of years, I would have said definitely yes. I do not work in IT but my impression is that IT is becoming so important nowaydays that today, that could be the IT consultants that earn more.