Radicant - a new neo-bank & wealth management app

Benefit from 0% fees when paying with the radicant debit card in a currency other than Swiss Francs (CHF). No Visa markup fees, no transaction fees, nothing! When you pay with your radicant card, we apply the current market rate – plain and simple.

Has anyone looked closer how true is it?

Thank you! Well, they are obviously not an independent party, but still interesting. Radicant, Revolut, Neon seem to be pretty close.

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The difference between Radicant and Neon is 0.22% which can very well be within intraday volatility… so I would not bother. They even mentioned in their disclaimer that they use the exchange rate at the time the transaction is settled, .i.e., 1-2 days later, and if I recall correctly neon use the same day Mastercard exchange rate, so that could go one direction or another in the end.

As long as one stays away from traditional banks with 2% markup in the exchange rate + 2.5% foreign transaction processing fees I think that’s already good enough.


From an article in today’s NZZ, Radicant currently has (possibly) only AUM (in funds) of CHF 12 million, and 95 employees.
Soon they will launch a 3a product. Let’s see.

"Die Mitarbeiterzahl wurde um ein Fünftel auf 95 reduziert…
…Kennzahlen wie die Höhe der Kundeneinlagen oder verwaltete Vermögen gibt Radicant keine bekannt. Das Geschäft scheint aber sehr harzig zu laufen. Gemäss Daten des Liechtensteinischen Anlagefondsverbands kommen die drei grössten Radicant-Fonds zusammen auf ein Gesamtvolumen von nur 12,4 Millionen Franken – das ist ein Bruchteil dessen, was nötig ist, damit sich ein Fonds finanziell rechnet…
… So will Radicant im Frühsommer ein neues Vorsorgeprodukt für die Säule 3a lancieren. Eine Werbekampagne soll kommende Woche beginnen…
«Bei den drei Fonds sind wir noch unter unserem Plan. Bei den Kundengeldern und der Anzahl Kunden sind wir im oder sogar über Plan unterwegs», sagt Stadelmann. … vor allem attraktive Sparzinsen neue Gelder angelockt, so dass sich die verwalteten Vermögen dem dreistelligen Millionenbereich nähern, was aber noch lange nicht genügen dürfte, um rentabel zu sein."


Is there a subscription bonus, referral code or something? You can send me a referral code.

And are there multiple/disposable virtual credit cards by chance?

Yes, I am thinking about using radicant for online payments in foreign currency, maybe even offline via a Smartphone wallet.

They have a virtual card available in the app that can be canceled and reordered. I think thats more of a safety feature in case of fraud and not actually designed as a disposable one time card. I‘ve never gone through the process though.

They have a referral but its only for their wealth management solution.

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:white_check_mark: No extra charges on weekends then, I guess :laughing:

I’m still puzzled about the position of this neo-bank, especially with the growing emphasis on ESG aspects in fintech solutions. I’m not sure if Radicant will endure over time, especially compared to competitors like Neon.


Radicant offering CHF 200 if you invest 10k with them for 6 months (50 up front + 150 after 6 months).

Now wait for it: Offering global sustainable equities for TER 1.53% :joy:


Well, they’re not called Moderant are they!


According to this article, Radicant seems to offer good conditions for foreign payments.

Can anyone confirm this?

update: now since June 2024 they are open to UK nationals. But the app sucks and keeps freezing on registration

As expected, Radicant decreased the interest rate to 1% from July 15 on.

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Radicant sent a newsletter today informing card holders that they now benefit from a free travel insurance. And I have to agree with them: together with their 0% fee on foreign payments it makes it a particularly attractive card to pay for travel related expenses.

Detailed T&Cs can be found here. Note that medical assistance expenses do not require a prior purchase with the card.

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They’re trying desperately to get clients. Free travel insurance, 1% interest on everything without withdrawal limits, 1% cashback on card purchases, no fx fees… all while they’re in the news all the time because they lose tons of money.


Rsdicant has also done well in yesterdays Kassensturz episode: Kostenvergleich - Debit- und Kreditkarten im Test: sparen beim Zahlen - Kassensturz Espresso - SRF

Anyways, I expect them to introduce fees by 1.1.2025, otherwise their business model doesnt seem viable.

That comparison is a bit intransparent. For purchases abroad, they list “fx fees” for Radicant, Alpian, neon, Yuh and Zak, but those have no fx fees. Did they add deviations from the interbank rate to this?

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I’m surprised to see fees for Radicant as they say they use interbank rate.
But for Alpian (+0.2%) and Yuh (+0.95%) it seems correct. Neon I thought it was +0.4% but doesn’t fit to the result and Zak I don’t know their fees (and lazy to check…)

For neon, they spread the cost for the physical card (20 Fr.) over three years. Without this, the costs are about 0.34%.

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