Pants down: yearly spending!

welcome to canton Neuchatel…

well spotted :wink:

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Well the intensity of the Ouch depends on the salary and the canton.
My taxes in Basel are above that, and I am not on any extreme salary that would easen the Ouch… :sweat_smile:

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A lot of people in the forum seem to live near Zurich which I think sits at the low end of the spectrum for cantonal income taxes.

But even in other cantons we can’t complain too much, the overall tax burden is still much better than most European countries :relieved:


Agree too!

I pay a loooot of taxes here in canton Vaud, around 30k. The longer I play this game, the longer wealth taxes hurt.

I would actually love to pay 30k in taxes :smiley:


Well, I’m glad I’m not in Zurich where it would be closer to 50k CHF taxes.


Ok, here goes. I’m ready for a reaming. We are a family of four with higher than average healthcare costs and a complicated living situation.

YNAB users may be familiar with some of the categories. The numbers are from “Spending by Category” which is one of the report types in YNAB but picking the right categories for it can be tricky.

  • Monthly bills 62’984 (of which rent 48’240 and health insurance 10’759)
  • Everyday expenses 22’700 (of which groceries etc. items 16’533)
  • Savings goals: 20’469 (includes a lavish vacation just before corona, doesn’t repeat yearly) and investments
  • Rainy Day Funds (various insurances and mandatory payments, healthcare costs): 10’634
  • Gifts and charity: 707
  • the rest …

Total: CHF 119’740 :dizzy_face:

I need to double check the effect of tax returns and some other anomalies. For instance when I received the tax return I filed it as income under the taxes category in YNAB. Afterwards I then “withdrew” most of that (you can enter a negative contribution to a category) and moved it to investments. If I include that category, total spending would be about 110’000 CHF. Further, I could also deduct the car insurance for 2021 which I actually paid in December of 2020.

Further complicating this is that if I check the Income vs Expense report in YNAB: it shows my total expenses as 106’800 CHF. That must be closer to the truth than the almost 120k. Net income was 130’000 CHF.

Edit: Gross income incl. salary, bonus, allowances etc: 164’000. Final taxation for 2020 is obviously not ready yet but based on 2019 it should be around 6’500-7’000 CHF.

Due to the tracking in YNAB it’s actually really hard to figure out my savings rate. It’s low in any case.

4’000 chf/month rent is quite a lot for 4 people, does that include more than one apartment?

I would not include vacation together with savings.

No, it’s just an expensive area in an expensive canton (ZG=low tax, high rent). We have very limited possibilities to move (it’s too complicated and too private to share more about). The high cost was something we accepted (or had to accept) when we had to move. We are looking for cheaper alternatives but there aren’t many, if any.

I realize now it’s not ideal for reports like this. YNAB had a vacation category under the general savings goals category and that’s where I allocated the trip money. This particular one was something we saved a longer time for and it follows the YNAB philosophy: don’t spend it until you have saved for it. Under the general savings goals I also have all investment categories. Depending on what accounts are included in YNAB’s reports, the outflows from those categories might count as expenses when in reality they are transfers to brokers, VIAC etc (I do have all the brokers and 3a account represented in VIAC but they are not budget accounts).


Frankly if you take the rent cost out of the picture I think your expenses are not particularly high…with a more average rent you’d probably end up below 25k/person which is not a bad result in my opinion

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I just checked my medical bills in the last couple of years, I always had a 300 CHF franchise.

2016: 5060 CHF (766 CHF paid by myself)
2017: 2420 CHF (512 CHF paid by myself)
2018: 3066 CHF (577 CHF paid by myself)
2019: 2694 CHF (539 CHF paid by myself)
2020: 2875 CHF (558 CHF paid by myself)

I’m gobsmacked after calculating our last 2 years’ budgets and spendings. And we are not living large…

Family of 3 in Zürich in a 4.5 flat. The categories are from PostFinance e-cockpit

37560 accommodation and furniture
12000 groceries
9500 kita
2400 baby stuff and services
6300 personal spending (meals out, sports, etc)
1400 communication and media
3270 Mobility
0 holidays :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
10000 health insurance
3000 other insurance
2000 small stuff

What I’m puzzled on are Kita costs (20k per year currently @ 3 days a week). How on earth do you cope with this? Before having a kid our yearly budget was 75k, now it’s above 90k with no holidays and not much to save, with our second one it’s gonna be over 110k net… how on earth do families cope with that financial burden?

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24 posts were split to a new topic: Childcare costs

Looks like most countries are much more family-friendly with tax-$$ going towards childcare.

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Family of 3 in biggish Swiss city in a 100m2 flat.
Other than the expensive rent, we live frugally (in our opinion).

Total 66000

31640 accommodation
7000 groceries
9600 kita
1000 Furniture, clothes
600 Electricity
3100 services, eg cleaning, new passport, etc
350 communication
600 Mobility
500 holidays (ja well, 2020, hey)
11000 health insurance
1000 other insurance
500 small stuff

I’m seriously astonished by the number of 3 person families spending 10k+ on health insurance. Do you all have Privat level insurance with the lowest deductible? I pay 5.7k for 3 people

In our case, it’s more the effects of a Krankenkasse-hell-Kanton :pensive: IMO.
In our case it’s 11=4.5+4.5+2
I actually have mine on max. deductible and Telmed, but “splash” out on a bit of Zusatzversicherung, but the Zusatzversicherung is only about 20% of the total.
I.moved from a rural Kanton a while ago & the total amount basically doubled.

We are four people without privat but with zusatz. One adult has the 2500 deductible and the other 300. For us the extras make sense because they cover a lot of travel related things.
This year we will pay 11k just in insurance fees plus all the other co-payments on top. If I remember correctly those amounted to over 3k last year.

One of us is also on some very expensive medication which has to be re-approved every year. It sort of locks us with the current insurance company who have always been good and fast with reimbursements. Above all we don’t want to take a risk of that medication being rejected at another insurance company.

Here is our spending; family of two; dual income no kids. We bought an apartment in Zuircher Oberland, hence there many one-time big-ticket expenses

Category Spend
Rent & Mortgage, Amortization 23514
Car Leasing + Insurance 6792
Public Transport (GA) 3270
Kitchen Rennovation 33000 Hoping to get a tax deduction here
Moving Expense and related items 5000
Health Insurance and Medical 8400 300 deductibale for wife and 2500 for me Groupe Mutel and SWICA
Vacation & Travel 3644
Telephone, Internet and TV 1824
Food and beverage 5600
Taxes 30000 Estimated taxes (paid half of it by 12/31)
Major Purchases (Electronics and others) 5500 (new iphone, scooter for the wife)
Total CHF 126.544,00

Similar situation, but with 2 kids going to a Tageschule. We both work 100%.
Ca. 140k expenses including tax :
50k Tageschule. Education of our kids -> non-negociable for us at the moment. We could reduce costs by ca. (only) 30% with public school.
28k tax (varies a lot)
23k housing (owned)
15k credit card expenses. I do not sub-categorize these expenses because we are generally frugal and do not have any expensive hobby. We pay as much as we can by credit card to facilitate tracking. The amount is pretty consistent over the last years.
With these 4 expense types we already covered almost 85% of our expenses.
10k Lamal for all of us + Sanitas Family for 3
6 to 8k holidays
1.5 ÖV
2.4k our kids saving accounts (yes it is an expense as we will not see the money any more !)
Rest are insurances, electricity etc that we do not pay by credit card
No car.

On top of that I consider 3a (13k) as an expense, as at the moment we do not plan to leverage it.

Despite a shocking amount, I still consider us being mustachians. Best compliment I ever got ? The tax advisor clerk (we use a tax advisor every 5 years to make sure there is no mistake/it is optimized) who asked me to explain “how could we save so much, in case the Steueramt would ask questions?”.
Dear Mustachians, with ou way of thinking we have gold in our hands…

Success factors, besides obviously 2 incomes: “minimalism” (less is more is my favorite motto), Second-hand for everything we need, and we do a lot ourselves (renovations, moving out etc)

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