Newbie here - where to find (correct) VT or VWRL on IB?

Dear fellow Mustachians

I have been reading on here for quite a bit as a guest and now finally decided I want to give ETFs a go. I’ve registered on IB and now I am having difficulties, understanding, which of the much recommended VWRL or VT ETFs on IB are the correct ones? If I use the search function there, I either find nothing or then several identical or smiliar results for VWRL for example?

Can anyone point me in the correct direction regarding choosing the right VWRL or VT on IB? What would I want to be looking for?

Many thanks!

If I search for VT in the IBKR app, I only see one where the ticker symbol is exactly VT (and it’s the top result). The full listing is ‘VT - ARCA’ ‘VANGUARD TOT WORLD STK ETF’ and that’s the correct security. ARCA is the exchange (part of NYSE).

For VWRL there are multiple options because it’s listed at multiple major stock exchanges. EBS is the name IBKR uses for the Swiss stock exchange (SIX). Choose this if you want to trade in CHF (the fees are relatively high, though). Other options are AEB (Euronext, EUR) and LSEETF (London stock exchange, GBP). Or search for VWRD to trade in USD at LSEETF.

Note that you might see more results for the same search if you’ve enabled more stock exchanges and/or product types in your trading settings than I have. I’d suggest to enable only what you need to keep the search results concise.

Thanks for the quick reply and the explainations. Found both! :slight_smile:

Out of curiousity: Do I see this correctly, that none of the VWRD (USD, LSEETF) is up for sale at the moment? So does that mean, nobody is willig to sell at the moment - or is this due to the fact, its Sunday?

Yes, stock exchanges have trading hours. At LSE, regular trading hours are normally Monday to Friday 8:00 - 16:30 British time. While there may be possibilities to trade certain securities outside regular trading hours, I wouldn’t recommend this to the average investor.

Thanks for the info!

One last question and then I think I am all set: Did I understand correctly, that VWRD and VT are the “go to” ETFs for fellow mustachians, because they are cheap to aquire and are relatively “safe”/balanced regarding risks?

VT and VRWD are the go-to etfs because they cover rhe whole world equities market. They are quite cheap and don’t have anything special (no limitation on region or business, no leverage or hedging, …), so they usually are the cornerstone of a portfolio.


As far as equity goes they’re nicely diversified and likely a very good baseline. Note that this is still equity and equity has fairly high volatility/higher risks than some other asset classes.

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Thanks for the great explainations. I’ve started to invest monthly small amounts into VT.

One question though: I’ve read that accumuating are better than distributing ETFs - but which of both is the VT? And if its distributing, why is this an issue or more expensive tax-wise in the long run? Really dont understand that yet… Thank you!


VT ist distributing.
In Switzerland, there is no advantage between accumulating and distributing, in both cases you have to pay taxes on dividends only (no capital gain taxes).

Switzerland is an exception with this in taxlaw landscape. Most often, capital gains (both dividends an value appreciation) are taxed together. In this case, accumulating have an advantage, since they are only taxed when sold, making them more efficient tax wise. But as already said, it does not apply in Switzerland.

EDIT: I would rather argue that a distributing one is more advantageous, since it is (slightly) easier to differentiate between dividend an value appreciation.

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Thanks for the info. But now I seem more confused than before: What is the difference then? I thought, accumulating means, that dividends are used to buy more of the same ETF - while distributing means, that you get the dividends cashed out?

Nevertheless - thanks for educating a newbie here - much appreciated!

Not totally right. In an accumulating one, the value of the ETF shares is increased with the dividends (internally, the fund will reinvest the dividends in the underlying stocks - but you won’t see that). You do not get more ETF shares.

Performance wise, the difference in Switzerland is nil. Just in some countries the tax treatmeint is slightly different, which gives an advantage to the accumulating ones.


Ok, thanks very much for clearing that for me.

One last question for now: Is there a guide on here for how to fill out my taxes with a IBKR account with VTs? Just like with my bank account, the value on December, 31st? And does IBKR provide a “tax declaration sheet” as most bancs do?

There are a couple if you look around in the taxes section of the forum.

I’ll recommend this post with lots of screenshot from @Yanikuza

This other discussion is also very useful

This one on DA-1 refund

@_MP has also written a Swiss tax guide for investors in ETFs (USA, Europe, Ireland, etc.)