Meetup in Bern for coffee/beer and chat about FI (RE) Plans ? :)

On Location! :round_pushpin:

We’ve got the only round table in Tram depot!

Many, many warm thanks to everyone who attended today’s FIRE Meetup in Bern, it was such a great time meeting you all and exchange about such various topics as personal backgrounds, financial education, ETF and real estate investing, frugalism, savings rates, chinese culture, projections on the turkish lira, alloys and MRI scans, LTE antennas in tunnels, taxation arbitrage between Fribourg and Zug,hobbies, wives, diversification in offspring… among many, many other topics :wink:

At a comfortable 10 adult attendees on our first revival of the Bern Meetup it appears we already beat Lausanne and Geneva’s attendance records… and that’s without counting the children (i.e. future investors) !

Bern being more centrally located than other FIRE-Meetup locations, we were able to gather Mustachians from as far west as Lausanne and as far east as Zürich, representing 6 different nationalities!

The weather was impeccable, the food divine, the setting family-friendly… even the Bernese Bear was thoughtful enough to bring his piggybank with him !

The majority voted to make this a quarterly thing, and we agreed to meet up again in November …when we’ll hopefully dethrone Zürich’s attendance numbers. :wink:

Thank you all for coming today (especially to those who rode/drove from far away), it was a lot of fun :slight_smile: See you guys next time !

Stay on FIRE…but stay cool!




Thanks, Nick for the organization, that was quite cool!

Hopefully see you in November.


It was cool to meet you all. Glad to have been there. Thanks, Nico, for organising.


Signing up for the next one!

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Duly noted :wink: :white_check_mark: see you there

11 posts were split to a new topic: Tax arbitraging between cantons

Thanks, will come for sure.

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Hello everyone :wave:,

As agreed upon at the last Meetup, this would be around the time where we set up the Doodle for the November Meetup :slight_smile: … so this what I just did: Doodle
Please fill out ALL the dates where you’d be available to join so we can select the one that fits best ^^.

I’d love to meet you all (and meet those of you who couldn’t make it last time, for the August Meetup) next month for another successful and interesting FIRE-Meetup !

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Once again, thanks for the organization! I filled the Doodle!


Would have been pleased as I will move to Bern on the 1st of December ! I will probably join you on the next meeting :wink:

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always a pleasure :slight_smile: ! Thanks to you for filling the Doodle!

Much looking forward to having you join us Yanikuza ! :slight_smile:

So far, Saturday, November 12th 19th* at 8pm seems to be our winner
Anyone interested in the FIRE Journey or FI in general is welcome to join ! :blush:

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Altes Tramdepot won’t have sufficient seating capacity at their last remaining round table for this Saturday, but only the next one, i.e. Saturday Nov. 19th.

I tried looking for some alternatives, but none seemed fitting, or even a sure thing.

I’ve had to think quick because this was, again, their last round table, these tables are being booked like hot cakes at this time of the year apparetnyl , so I called back and booked a large round table for:

Saturday, November 19th at 8pm @Altes Tramdepot - Bern

I’ve checked with other people from the FIRE community who aren’t from this forum, and informed them of the change as well.

I apologize for the slight confusion, and very much hope to see you all on Saturday Nov. 19th.

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OK, I’ve adjusted my calendar, although there’s a 10% chance for a scheduling collision to materialize.
Just to confirm: This is 8:00 pm now, right? The doodle states something about 5:00 pm.

Yes, the tram depot is booked well in advance, esp. for Fridays and Saturdays. With more than say half a dozen guests, there are not too many options in Bern.

See you!


Yes I confirm 8pm. The 6pm to 8pm time slot was sadly über-booked.

See you soon Jörgen!

I will have to pass on that one, 8pm is way too late for me. See you on the next one.

Hey everyone, it looks like the 8pm time slot, besides ThePoorSwiss, doesn’t work for most people. Only 4-5 people confirmed their attendance for the 19th. It wouldn’t really make sense to go on with the meetup with potentially less than 40% attendance . So I , once again called Tramdepot, and booked their biggest table for :warning:Saturday November 26th at 6PM :warning: . I apologize for the confusion. Hopefully, this should work for the majority, please let me know . I’m doing my best to make sure the next Meetup is another success.

Just for organizational clarity’s sake please fill in the doodle :pray: Doodle

Hey! Cool. I’ve filled in the doodle with a maybe, I’m from Zurich and just need to make sure I can go. But hopefully yes and I’m looking forward to it!


Lost my ability to edit my Doodle choices (Alex) because I used disposable account. So I will put a message here, at first I could come to all the dates but as we fixed on 12/19th, I put something on 26th. Sorry, will see you at the next one.

I was about to write that I couldn’t make on the 19th after all.

26th is fine.

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