Degiro / flatex account unavailable?

Hi everyone,
I have a small issue with my Degiro account. Can’t wire any more funds to it since Degiro is no longer using its stitching account.
On the other hand, they state that the users need now to use a flatex account and that they are moving toward this.
Am I the only one having this issue of not finding how to create and open this flatex account?

Thanks for the kind help. Best. J.

Hello, i did a wire transfer the 26th November to stitching Degiro as always and the money was arrived normally in one day.The CHF flatex account still not available so we should continue using the old one account.

Thanks @Scorpion. I placed the wire transfer on the very same day as yours and it didn’t make thru.
I was not sure if I missed something with this flatex account, glad to read that then.
Will make another try maybe with less money.

But the money was sent by your bank or not?

yes, it was returned.

I don’t think I’ve received the info, do you have some links I can go check?
I made a deposite yesterday and the money was credited today

Here in French. At the end in the FAQ, last point. Made a wire on Friday, money not returned but still not in my stitching account. Will keep you posted on Monday.

I wired a smaller amount this time though.


I am still transferring in money into the DeGiro Stichting Swiss account. It works, though it takes 1-3 working days.

Please note that DeGiro is very strict about which account you’re using to transfer money in.
The account has to be registered with DeGiro and it must be in your name.

If the name under which you are registered in your account and in DeGiro do not match, you can’t transfer money in.

I figured out they are not taking any amount above 3k CHF.
I have been trying amounts above that and every and each time, transfer rejected whereas sums just below the threshold mentionned above, the wire goes thru.
Strange, the least I can say.
Have you guys been wiring amounts above this?

Yes, including 10k recently. I transferred from Raiffeisen don’t know if the bank makes any differences… Did you already try contacting their support?

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I’m still not seeing anything referring to opening a flatex bank account with DeGiro. Did in the mean time anyone get a message about it? Or are they going to leave it as it is for our ’ special’ Swiss customers?

Nothing here either… This stupid money market fund they use to hold my cash is continuing to eat away my rappens :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think it will be from 30 April, i received this email today from Degiro:

DEGIRO devient une succursale néerlandaise et la marque européenne de flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
Il y a quelques mois, nous vous informions du fait que DEGIRO faisait désormais partie du groupe flatexDEGIRO. Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer aujourd’hui la prochaine étape de notre nouvelle entité. À compter du 30 avril 2021, DEGIRO fusionnera avec flatexDEGIRO Bank, créant ainsi le plus grand courtier en ligne européen (“execution only”), et disposant de sa propre licence bancaire.
Notre fonctionnement reste identique
Cette fusion n’aura aucune conséquence pratique concernant votre relation avec DEGIRO. Notre nom de marque à travers l’Europe restera identique et nous continuerons d’opérer depuis nos bureaux à Amsterdam et Sofia. En effet, suite à cette dernière, DEGIRO continuera de proposer ses services en tant que succursale de flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Quels changements concrets s’appliquent pour vous, en tant que client ?
Les termes et conditions de notre Contrat Client restent inchangés. En revanche, l’entité contractante est désormais différente. De plus, le fait de devenir une succursale néerlandaise d’une banque allemande réglementée entraine quelques modifications et précisons, résumées ici.
Des avantages pour nos clients
Le principal objectif de DEGIRO est d’apporter une valeur ajoutée élevée à ses clients en proposant des services financiers abordables et sur mesure pour l’ensemble des investisseurs. Ce nouveau chapitre nous permettra de poursuivre la réalisation de cet objectif, et d’élargir encore davantage les services que nous vous proposons. Notre nouvelle structure d’entreprise va permettre au groupe flatexDEGIRO de poursuivre sa croissance dans les meilleures conditions possibles, en simplifiant les processus internes et en renforçant encore davantage la coopération entre ses différentes entités. Cette nouvelle configuration nous permettra ainsi d’accélérer le développement de nouveaux produits et services et ce, de manière encore plus efficace. Ainsi, cette fusion vous apportera un bénéfice certain, en tant que client.

Indeed I got the same mail 3 hrs after I posted the above, maybe they read this forum :slight_smile:

I’m really wondering if its possible to have a EUR account too.


Just realized yesterday that changed their bank account, and it’s really stupid! They have now a Deutsche Bank account in the Netherlands (IBAN starting with NL…). It used to be CIC Bank in Basel before. Unfortunately, all the banks that I’ve tried (among them Postfinance, Raiffeisen) charge a fee to transfer money to this account. Since the payment is in CHF I think SEPA doesn’t work. I really do not know what these people at Degiro think about this setup! And there’s also absolutely no communication about this change (no e-mail, no message inside the Degiro account). I’ve taken my decision and ‘transfer’ large parts of my investments to DKB. (please no discussions here about my decision, I have my reasons why I’ve chosen DKB.)

@SwissMousse Yes, it is possible to have an EUR account (and a CHF account) together. I have one for the investments in EUR. You can save a lot of money if you don’t use Degiro’s exchange rates :wink:

Screenshot from 2021-06-10 09-27-48

Holy shit, you are right, the f******* :poop: Will have to find an alternative solution… really really annoying!

For me the don’t even show me an IBAN account number but just a local bank account number with no further details as in the screenshot below…

Oh, right didn’t notice that but I have now too Deutsche Bank on Paris with IBAN starting in FR.

They must be in the transition phase, as I transfered just two days ago to the CIC CH IBAN and it worked fine.

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I have an IBAN from the Netherlands.

They obviously did not think it through, as it says that I can only pay in using EUR, but when I want to add my EUR bank account from PostFinance, it says it must me in CHF.

I would write support. Must be some mess the developers made.

For laughs and giggles, I have added a EUR account from PostFinance and transferred some EUR to the Dutch IBAN. Let’s see what happens.