cash/cryptoback credit card

Do you cash out the stake? I’m losing atm

I’m down 25k, so no, I’ll keep them around until the next bull market and then cash out.

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Isn’t this the sunk cost falacy?

You are down 25k but still have 10k in.
Wouldn’t it be better to take the 10k and invest it into something better?

Money is fluid so you can make those 25k back from other sources other than CRO.
Being down x amount doesn’t justify keeping a bad investment.
Just wanted to add my 0.02€ and some perspective


I thought the same of my SPXU bag that I eventually sold at some loss, would have recovered nicely this year.

Right now I don’t see opportunities with better/quicker recovery chances, so hodl it is.

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so, why not throw another 10k / 35k in the bucket then? :face_with_monocle: :wink:


FWIW I just sold my Jade stake and turned it into cash. Sunk cost fallacy made it a harder decision than I thought.

It was less than 500 CHF because I conveniently restaked close to the ATH but since all I use on a regular basis is Spotify and Lounge access doesn’t require a stake I figured it’s better to sell now than to wait until Spotify and Netflix are effectively nixed in three months.

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I wonder how much will it cost the issue of a new card. Anyone saw it written somewhere?

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Still keeping my card :cowboy_hat_face:

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If it helps: I got a new card issued for free when my old one (early 2020 DE issue) started to delaminate at the corners.

Since I don’t keep it in my wallet anymore this one should be fine until the end of its validity in mid 2027.


The 196k CRO required back then are worth CHF 23k now. Then I received another 50k CRO as part of staking and the 5% cashback being worth CHF 5k now. So in total I am down approx. 20% or CHF 7k which is not too bad in the crypto space.

My program will end by end of this month. I will continue to use the card and top up the required cash amount to keep my status.

I very much enjoy using the card. One card for all purposes, spot market like FX conversions and providing 3% on top with the potential of significant value appreciation over time.

Why topup to keep the status? If you don’t unstack, the status stays, right?

I need to stake 35k to keep my status, so I am missing 7-8k as of now. Otherwise I will be downgraded and I don’t feel the lower tiers aren’t that attractive.

But because you unstaked. Otherwise you could have left your stake there , dwindling etc.
my stake is down 70% or so but I’m still staked so nothing changes (i think?)

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The staking rewards are the same (8% for me) but the card rewards go down. E.g. only one person in airport Lounge etc.

oh sheesh. That’s probably why they didn’t reinbourse my netflix this month. I did miss that part.
I’m not going to throw more money to the fire.

Hmmm, I did not un-staked and I do get full benefits on my card.

It’s strange indeed. I do get Netflix, and the 3% Cashback but no longer the Lounge access for two ppl (or is that reimbursed with delay?)

I have seen that usually there is a delay. They take the full amount for the guest and after some days or weeks they cancel the transaction.

Did CZ killed crypto dot com?