Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

Approx 60% closely corresponds to VT, the rest is individual.

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Fun Fact:

You all just “wasted” hours of your life playing a game that was based on a jokey example about concerns of instrumental convergence of AI.

If you’re interested in this topic I suggest to you the following article (bad title but pretty good introduction to the topic):

They were quite possibly infected by Neil Ferguson, their epidemiologist advisor. Somewhat ironic.

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I know, there is a great article on Wait But Why about it.

In other news, I wanted to wait with these some days to be sure, but it looks like the curve is starting to flat out in Switzerland. Yes, I know, it doesn’t mean the economy will be fine. It just means that probably millions won’t die. However, it makes you think when you see that 0.5% of Ticino residents are infected and in just a few days over 1% will be. In there it’s far from contained.

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Dude, please stop these conspiracy theories and start reading scientists specializing in epidemilogy. You know how exponential curve works, right? You realize that going to first 100k cases globally took 67 days, another 100k 14 days, another 100k 4 days. In January the virus was spreading very slowly because there were very little people infected.

By the way, today in Italy 969 people died from Covid.

PS. Yes, internet journalism is crap. Read JAMA articles on corona.

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Which is in line with the expectations. Just plot out the extend the death curve for a few following days to save yourself some drama.

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I know it’s expected. I’m just annoyed with people still suggesting covid is like a flu. No, hell no, it’s not.


Btw, in all these doomy models, I asked myself: and what if the virus spreads at a faster rate than we think? We are for sure testing only a small portion of the infected population. That would let us reach herd immunity faster too. And now I read this:

Yeah, I’ve read this. I don’t get why this guy went from doom to “there’s no problem” in a month, but he’s losing his reputation with this model jumping. In any case, Britain might have enough ventilators, time will tell. Italy and Spain didn’t have that luxury and they have ran out of it in just couple of weeks.

These news stories are highly misleading.
He adjusted his model and its prediction based on the fact that the UK issued a extensive lockdown.
He still beliefs that around 500’000 people would have died without measures.

I’m so angry at everyone spreading this bullshit “news” when all it takes to falsify this information is to read the third post of the guys twitter feed:


@Bojack and @Zerte2, on the topic of buybacks, you might find this interesting: Was Pre-Coronavirus Stock Market a Bubble Inflated by “Financial Engineering”? (2014-2020)

Was Corporate Profit Growth a Bubble Inflated by “Financial Engineering”? (2014-2020)


What if Corporate Profit Growth from 2014 to 2020 was “ anemic “, rather than strong? What if many companies who had very little profit growth obscured this fact by borrowing in the bond market and using the proceeds to buy back their own stock . Their stock prices went up, not because they had greater earnings, but because they had reduced the total number of shares . In one dimension — earnings per share — these companies looked more attractive, but the borrowing corporations used to achieve this metric masked profit growth weakness and caused the companies’ credit rating to decline , with many corporations falling to near “ junk ” status (BBB). On the Eve of the Coronavirus Correction, corporate debt was $10 Trillion , leaving many corporations vulnerable to an unexpected stress, and ensuring that once a “match was struck”, the dry “tinder” would burn quickly.

Now that the recession has begin, governments will be faced with reduced tax revenue and, as a result, will reduce their pensions’ purchases of bonds. Corporations have used these bonds to borrow money and buy back their own stock. Now that the pension systems have (indirectly) stopped lending them this money , corporations will have to reduce the amount of their stock buybacks . As stock buybacks decline, the ratio of sellers to buyers will rise and the price of these stocks will come under pressure.

It is too early to say where the bottom is to this recession, but we have reason to believe the Millennials and Generation X do not have the resources to purchase the stock that Baby Boomers want to sell at prior market highs. With Corporate profit growth unmasked and the Baby Boomer’s transition into retirement , it seems unlikely that stocks will make a quick return to their prior levels unless governments engage in massive asset inflation.


So, which news happened - AGAIN - in the last 30min of trading? :rofl:
Was Trump signing the bill unexpected? Lol

Because the young/old people ratio is lower than it used to be, and because the boomers have accumulated quite a wealth, and the young ones have become poorer than previous generations at their age.

According to ZeroHedge, the sudden decline was due to the announce of the Fed that they would reduce their daily QE from 125 Billion to a disappointingly smallish 100 Billion.


These cocaine-and-hookers-powered traders should start looking a little bit more ahead than overreacting everyday to the news of the day.

Musk retweeted this stupid thread aswell.
This is one more case where Musk is clearly wrong and didn’t care to do any fact checking before spreading misinformation to his 32 Million followers. (Which means he just read and retweeted it. Which means he just doesn’t care about the truthfulness of his tweets but has some other motives (ego, business, who-knows-what). If he wanted to, he could have had a couple of Phds and Professors, maybe even Neil Ferguson himself, on the phone in 1 minute, he’s after all Elon Musk.)

Don’t listen to him anymore on this topic. It’s not that hard.


Yes, a bit suspicious, but I guess they spend lots of time together in meetings & press conferences exposed to many different people who are in turn well travelled too. It does remind me of that strange speech back when Iran was #2 behind China. The Iranian health minister sweating & coughing, and then later saying he had been infected too & was ill like the rest of the nation.
How can you accuse someone who is ill himself for not doing enough? Is that a tactic? Or too simple.

Yes, I also stumbled on this tweet after Musk retweeted it, guilty.

Regarding Boris Johnson: the man said on the camera that he’s shaking hands with everybody in the hospital. And you simply have to wash your hands! This level of retardedness explains why he got infected. And how many people did he infect, who didn’t wash hands before touching their face?


And even worse, BoJo does not know how to clean hands. He puts the soap on dry hands, he rinses the soap before rubing it, he forgets the thumbs, the nails and the space between fingers.

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Btw, the movie Contagion might be a good watch. Really liked it back in 2011, will rewatch it today.