Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

Boeing was already in a pretty bad shape before Corona. This somehow shoes that the crash was to some extent irrational, and so will also be the recovery. It‘s like after an opera where people start clapping individually and after some seconds w/o an orchestrator everyone claps in sync.

Markets first move along a trend with some random walk then suddenly everyone starts to sell and then everyone starts to buy again even though there is no common sentiment of the situation.

Think about it. The 737 MAX has been grounded. Hundreds of airplanes sitting and Boeing having to figure out how to fix this, while Airbus is collecting new orders. Terrible. But now both are grounded and Boeing got some time to find a solution. So maybe it’s not totally unreasonable.

The problem they had was not technology! It was management, the engineers knew they could not let that plane fly by pilots w/o simulator training. Management wanted to keep costs low, and increase profit! It‘s very hard to change such a culture within a big company within a short time, you would have to fire a large part of executive managers.

maybe I’m naive, but shouldn’t they anyway be behind bars? :man_shrugging:



I hate myself.


Now I have FOMO about this paperclip game.

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Don’t. You end up hating yourself for playing it. You start by producing paper clips with a single click, seems more of a joke than a game. Then you can buy automatic clippers, then you can invest on stock exchange, then you can build a solar power plant, cure cancer and male baldness, and eventually conquer the whole universe. The game evolves at just the right pace to keep you on the edge of quitting.


Don’t, it’s a trap! I spent a good 5h on it yesterday evening to complete it :sweat_smile:



stillk waiting to reach 5 oct chips… don’t know what’s next.

I think I ruined it. I throw away all drones before going into space

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A random question: If (and when) the number of comments in this thread cross S&P500, would they be moving in the same direction? or opposite? or will they do a DNA double helix dance?


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some great quotes

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Seems he was 2 days late, but I would have been better off listening to him anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


I keep losing combats though

I’m getting prepared that this will be the end of the world as we know it. Even if the shutdown is over, people won’t start consuming like before. Most will be too afraid. Most will save as much as they can for times like these. This will crush earnings of all companies worldwide.

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People tend to forget quite quickly, I’m afraid…


World as we know it ended many times before and recovered to be a generally better place. No need to panic.


This new bull market lasted only for 1 day lol.

We are basically at yesterday 3pm levels :stuck_out_tongue:

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0.000000000001% of universe explored
