We can organize something easy, in a form of an outdoor meetup, with bring-your-own-beer (as last time). But we have to make sure, all the participants understand what does it mean: bring your own beer
I would propose the following locations:
Chinawiese (Blatterwiese, huge green park next to the lake Zurich)
Schindlergut Park (close to Oberer Letten, but not crowded)
Klingenpark (small, quiet, not crowded close to HB)
Eldorado (inside bad weather alternative, without a reservation)
Rules for good weather: in case of an outdoor meetup, we will be in the Klingenpark. Please bring yourself a blanket (as we will sit probably in the grass), your own drinks and food or whatever you want to consume.
I will give an update here on the 12nd of July (Wednesday) about the final location. The two locations are very close to each other, so the meetup will be anyway in that closer area.
I would like to know, who will attend next Thursday?
Please give a sign or a comment here. If nobody responds until Wednesday next week, I will cancel the event.
Thanks for the very few forum members they came yesterday. We were three if us at all (including myself).
At this point anybody who wants, can take over to organize Zurich meetups in the future. I will end up to organize any in-person meetups for an indefinite period.
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