Your Health Insurance in 2025

+6.35% for me. Still the cheapest apparently

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Was told from two different doctors, the new Ozempic/Wegowy/etc. seems to be a considerable source of friction with insurers due to cost (for them).

Unlikely. It’s below CHF 150 per month – not a super expensive treatment and quite restrictive rules when it’s covered by health insurance.

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Possibly, I don’t know the cost - was meant to be an indication of how new treatments can be added to basic insurance.

Ah I guess this is the most logical explanation, even though I specifically entered the start date for the insurance as 1/1/25 when browsing the providers’ sites. Looks like they’re not quite as eager to show their new prices as I am to see them.


Also, slightly OT - I noticed that in the last 3 years I’m around 2’000fr. of medical bills per year, with the highest deductible ofc :pensive:
Would you consider a worthwhile optimization to move to the lowest deductible?
According to the calculator the gap between highest and lowest on the same plan is 1’400, which would net ~300fr. in savings - but I’m afraid they would all be lost with the supplementary insurance in case premia are linked (i.e. increase in premium due to deductible applies to both).

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If I stay with EGK, it‘s +27%.
With Agrisano it will by „only“ +18%.

Will switch to Agrisano (Agrismart) for sure.


shouldn’t it be totally separate? (many people even have different providers)


I tried to understand this SmartMed model based on MedGate app. It uses chatbot to whom you tell symptoms which suggests you to make appointment with MedGate doctor or asks you to contact your don’t have a choice/ it tells you what to do out of 2.

I don’t have a Hausarzt, so might need to get one before taking this

Funny, Assura is 5chf more expensive on its own website vs. priminfo. :sweat_smile: (Both including 5chf “discount”)

To me that seemed too compicated. Looks like you have to talk to 2 separate doctors/persons online, and both have to agree until you can go to a specialist. Others are more efficient here, so that one doctor agreeing is good enough. E.g. I had good experience with Sympany flexhelp… and (depending on location) it seems similarly expensive/‘cheap’.


Here is a summary of the cheapest premiums in 2025 for all regions, ranked from smallest to highest increase (relative, compared to the cheapest one in 2024).

Data for an adult (>26 yo), without accident cover and deductible of 2500 CHF:

Region Cheapest monthly premium Insurer Model %
BS 399.2 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +2.10
VD2 347.2 Assura-Basis SA Qualimed +3.64
LU1 279.1 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +3.97
SH1 314.5 ÖKK Gesundheitszentrum +4.14
BE1 368.1 Vivao Sympany FlexHelp 24 +5.20
TG 276.9 Agrisano AGRIsmart +5.53
ZH1 344.1 Assura-Basis SA Qualimed +5.94
SG1 301.9 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +6.08
BE2 326.2 Visana VIVA-Gesundheitsplan +6.99
VD1 390.7 Vivao Sympany FlexHelp 24 +7.10
SH2 280.4 ÖKK Gesundheitszentrum +7.56
AR 268.1 KPT +7.84
OW 235.5 Agrisano AGRIsmart +7.93
SO 319.1 Agrisano AGRIsmart +8.06
ZG 242.2 Agrisano AGRIsmart +8.08
BL2 338.8 ÖKK Gesundheitszentrum +8.24
FR1 328.8 Sanitas NetMed 1 +8.41
BL1 379.2 Atupri CareMed +8.44
BE3 296.6 Agrisano AGRIsmart +8.60
SG2 275.2 Agrisano AGRIsmart +8.77
UR 230.4 Atupri SmartCare +9.14
GE 424.2 Assura-Basis SA Qualimed +9.39
FR2 297.7 CONCORDIA HMO +9.41
GR2 264.9 ÖKK Hausarzt +10.19
LU2 271.1 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +10.38
LU3 255.9 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +10.40
VS1 299.3 sodalis Digimed +10.44
NW 237.5 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +10.62
TI2 367.2 Agrisano AGRIsmart +10.84
GR1 285.7 CONCORDIA HMO +10.95
AG 296.5 CONCORDIA HMO +10.97
SZ 259.9 Atupri HMO +11.07
ZH2 310.8 Agrisano AGRIsmart +11.52
GL 272.1 Atupri SmartCare +12.07
SG3 259 Agrisano AGRIsmart +12.12
TI1 398.4 Assura-Basis SA Qualimed +12.16
VS2 251.5 sodalis Digimed +12.58
GR3 255.7 ÖKK Hausarzt +13.14
JU 378 Vivao Sympany casamed hmo +13.79
ZH3 275.3 Agrisano AGRIsmart +14.66

14% for me, my god…

20.5%… Fribourg
43yo, 2500.- franchise


+9.9% for me in ZG

FYI: The premium is the same for everyone aged 25 and older. There is no difference whether someone is 32 or 99 years old. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I also noticed that there is no difference based on gender. I always thought females have higher premiums

Did it change or it’s just the portal doesn’t have this info

Let‘s start an initiative, it only would be fair.

Imagine the headlines in the newspaper and the following crisis :smiley:


It’s the law.

It’s different for extra insurance, unisex premiums aren’t mandatory, unlike, e.g. in the EU.

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Well, I hope you change the insurance then? There must now be many cheaper options if yours went up 20.5%…