I am having the same thoughts, followed by “But I read the same last year, and apparently people were saying/writing the same in 2017, 2020…”. Frankly the only thing keeping me from pushing the big red “SELL ALL” button is that a) I put down a plan of action for 2025 back in mid 2024, and intend to stick with it and b) sweet dirty sweaty taxable dividends that I don’t need but tickle my brain in weird and wonderful ways
“Only” 3.33% so far. It is way over the median for my dividend portfolio and slightly under the medium of my momentum-growth portfolio.
Now the important question: will it continue the run? Good question, next question…
Nobody knows but fortunately you don’t need to know. What you need to know is what to do in any situation. Write it down, play it in your head, 20% loss, 50% loss, more! Plan for it, even hopefully you’ll never need it. And then stick to the plan.
I have this feeling too but maybe it’s only the magnificient 7 that are overpriced? In Switzerland we have barely recovered to the levels of end of 2021, that doesn’t sound like a bubble yet to me.
That type of portfolio has like 50% bonds, you really have so much in bonds? I am also thinking of buying more into bond ETFS than stock ETFs this year. I have already VGSH. Which bonds ETF do you have in your all weather portfolio?
Market will go down unexpectedly without notice and that’s why investors enjoy such returns because they have to live with this uncertainty
But we have to be honest, other than US, last few years have not been so stellar for the rest of world. So maybe a bit of change on regional split of returns can happen
Fun fact -: SMI is on the roll still. More than 9% up this year. go CH
There is such a strong momentum in the market… I’d say it is likely to go up further. But as the market is quite expensive, the thing that eventually destroys the momentum can have a strong impact.
Anyway this is not actionable, but well entertaining.
I am not afraid of a major crash…If it happens the monetary flood gates will open quickly.
Just dont panic sell when it hits and miss the recovery. Easier said than done, sure.
I think it helps to consider it your job to manage somebody else’s money professionally.
Then it is necessary to write down the investment strategy on paper and actually define what to do in drawdown situations.
Yep, been there. I have seen many bear markets and it helps to have a plan.
It won’t help against the pain. I think in his book “thinking fast and slow” Kahneman describes the pain of losing money as more or less double than the joy of making money. So, for one dollar lost you need to make two dollars just to get even…
Enjoy the bull market as long as it lasts, the pain will be hard.
Isn’t this what we’ve all been training here for? We’re like Luke Skywalker, going back to Yoda to become a Jedi Master, a Skilled Graphs NINJA. Within us the graphs flooooow we feeeeeel.
Depends. I am sure any crash will shake out all the stock geniuses of the last many years who otherwise have a nervous breakdown when they’re short changed by the Pfand machine in Weil Am Rhein. I am confident I’ll walk the walk when the time comes.
One of the things that IMO plays a role is that lots of investors have been coached by John Bogle, JL Collins and others to not panic in a dip. That’s why in recent time dips that had a potential to be crashes were just that, dips. Buy the dip.
A personal example. I was scared by COVID the virus in February 2020 before lockdowns and disruption of the international travel, even cancelled a trip to Indonesia in February. But the market was tanking and I was willing to buy more (though did not have money to buy more).
Lots of people wanted to do the same. For instance, the queue to open a DeGiro account was months, they did not have capacity to open new accounts.
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