Why would an interest increase of 3% jeopardize so many real estate loans?

Not correct. Only the one that runs out.


True but usually no other bank gives you mortgage if there are not the priority security holder and hence you are kind of bound to your bank

thx. edited my previous post to avoid confusion

In his inspiring recount, Pasquale the Swiss Multi-millionaire warns us against “the risks of a mortgage on his private home, and (…) to use a mortgage to (…) take advantage of the current low rates to make his savings grow elsewhere”… which is what I am currently doing.
Can anybody help me understand what these risks are, if the residual debt is below 50% of the commercial value of the estate and as long as the mortgage payments are met ?

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Read this thread for a start.

Or this thread:

Interesting NYTimes article I recently read related to this topic, below.

It seems like in the US, many mortgages are fixed, and for long durations… a bit like in Switzerland. So the argument in this article is that you can lock in the amount now, so that even if rates go up (and potentially rents, although more controlled in Switzerland), you have certainty of costs of your mortgage.

It is an interesting hypotheses - I think everyone would agree rates are going up. So wouldn’t it be advantageous to lock in a low rate now while you can?

They are going up now, but you don’t know what happens in the next 10 years. Maybe interest rates increase massively and it was a good choice, maybe they decrease again in 5 years and it was a bad choice.
Just an example, my parents once locked in a rate of 2.5% for 10 years, saying “it can’t get any lower” and you see how low the rates now are…

Everyone needs to decide for themselves whether they want to take the risk of variable rates.


By “now” you probably mean “since then and until recently” :wink:

Some banks are even back to the 2.5% level for 10Y (red line in the chart below)!

Source: Comparis


Exactly. They refinanced somewhere at the beginning of the 2000’s and were coming from the 90s with rates of 7-8% incredible :slight_smile:

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wow, so why are the RE prices not falling already? :angry:


Still almost no supply and that might not change anytime soon as Switzerland is very small and imigration high.

I know. Just expected a hug, really :smiley:



It’s only a few weeks like that. Be patient…


I can wait another 1.5 years (naturalization).
We’ll see. I just saw some really good places these weeks in Kt AG.
One of them went in a week, being extremely pretty but also super overpriced.
The other one is also quite nice but is unsold since 2020 and they’re not moving an inch with the price.

Strange market, this.

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Vor ein paar Wochen haben Sie sich für das Neubauprojekt mit 6 Doppel- und Reiheneinfamilienhäusern in Elgg interessiert. Wir haben gute Neuigkeiten für Sie! Wir konnten aufgrund der aktuellen Situation die Verkaufspreise reduzieren und freuen uns, Ihnen die angepasste Preisliste zusammen mit den weiteren Detailunterlagen über diesen zukommen lassen zu dürfen.

Things seem to have started moving…


It’s pretty incredible that the interest rates went up so fast. People buying houses right now are in so much worse situation than those that bought them a few months ago. Surprising.

Next thing to happen is changes in SARON, it will go up up up, and complaining will start


they will buy the running mortgages on the current properties, which will also mean… drumroll… that the prices will NEVER fall :smiley:

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