3800, but off the bottom. Thanks AI, I think.
On one hand, stocks are not economy. On the other hand, VT did fall to 77 美元 in October 2022.
I remember we had some arguments then, @wavemotion . How did and do you fare?
That was not bad, actually. Can you repeat your prediction feat?
Still in VT
But sold too early individual stocks (like nvda)
I had also a gold thesis when the war in Ukraine started and that went pretty good.
I used my “dry powder” to increase my position in Smithson Fund SSON below its peak. It was a long term investment not for 2.5 years but as of today I am about 1% up in CHF terms
My Fundsmith and SSON investments are still below their Dec 2021 peak in CHF whilst per your separate analysis (fat years thread) the overall market is up. The bigger question is whether a quality strategy is still valid for me in the long term and I believe it is
Bottom signal.
Time to long it.
Second time correct!
I would say we as a community have recognized the (highly probable) bottom when it happened, while still keeping a cautious approach.