UBS Vitainvest Passive third pillar funds

It’s a fund of fund, which I find annoying since it has little transparency (the sub-funds are at most a few bp, but you still need to check).

Is that a new treatment for this fund - do you have a reference you can share?

I still have a 3rd pillar fisca custody account at UBS invested in Vitainvest funds and have never been aware of being charged a custody fee. I always understood the account itself was “free”, the high charges where with the Vitaninvest funds themselves.

UBS fisca custody account factsheet says: “With the UBS Fisca Custody Account, no fees are charged for holding UBS Vitainvest Investment Funds, as they are a supplement to the UBS Fisca Account.”

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See “Fees” on this page: Forms and applications | UBS Switzerland

Free custody for the expensive active funds but 0.65% custody fee for the passive funds.


Thanks for that. The Factsheet in the link I pasted above seems to say the contrary. Perhaps that part of the facthseet needs to be updated to reflect the charging structure of these new funds

True. We generally have layers of fees. It doesn’t seem the case here. They use institutional classes. I looked at one sub-funds (choose the institutional profile on UBS website to access it) and there is a fee of 0% (similar to VIAC CS funds).

That’s what I understood as well from the UBS guy. In the 3a you pay only for the Management fee, but I need to double-check

Ah :frowning:

So Vitainvest Passive is 0.25+0.65

Note passive 100 also has 38% Swiss equities according to the factsheet link I pasted above, much higher than the expensive, actively managed equivalent


I confirm we can subscribe to the passive funds.

I asked UBS to sell my shares of Swiss 75% to buy the passive 100%.

It takes 3 business days to redeem the shares.

The 0.65% fees are withheld on a quarterly basis. Fees are withheld from the 3a cash account. If there is not enough cash, the balance will go negative. However, there is no debit interest calculated.

Shares are sold only with a minimum of chf 250 to cover the fees. As long as this amount is not reached, the 3A cash account will go in negative territory.


Sounds great! It’s not as good as Viac, but at least not as shitty as their actively managed funds with much higher TER.


Is it this fund? Funds and prices - Private Investors | UBS Switzerland

I see 0.22% flat fee + 0.18% p.a., do you know where is that 0.65%?


See " Fisca Pension Fund Foundation" / “Fees” here: Forms and applications | UBS Switzerland

UBS offers passive products with ok TER for the 3a pillar. And up top 100% stocks.

Don’t know if there are other banks with good solutions too

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The TER of Vitainvest Passive is pretty good at 0.25% p.a. However, you’re forced to pay an additional 0.65% management fee when actually holding them in the UBS Fisca Custody account. So the actual total fee is 0.9% p.a., more than double of Viac or finpension.

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As the Vitainvest funds have a TER of 0.25%, total costs come down from 0.90% to 0.75%.

As far as I understand it it’s a different 3rd pillar than the one they already had. So you need to open it up by yourself in E-Banking and let them do the switch.

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These are different fund classes:

The prices are different, because they were launched with the value 100 at different times, but the composition look exactly the same.

Yes, this “trick” is used a lot to keep the commission/TER of the current clients.

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Since I have the mortgage with UBS, I guess I cannot move my VitaInvest Passive with key4?

I think you can, but not sure. Don’t see why it shouldn’t work. Do you already use passive funds?


yes, I have to put half of my third pillar for the indirect mortgage, and I went for Vitainvest Passive.

It’s a 0.15% difference, so 15.-/year for 10k in assets. If you don’t have much there, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth the time.