OK. Let’s play a stock picking game. By 14 February, select exactly 5 stocks (or ETFs if you wish) and either long or short.
Starting portfolio will be calculated as $200k in each position taking the closing price on 14 February.
Winner will be the one with the biggest gain by the end of the year. No changes in portfolio allowed (unless some corporate changes happen). Dividends will be deemed to be re-invested in same stock.
Mechanic strategy, many will not make it until the end of the year and the biggest gains come usually in the 2nd and 3rd year. But I put my money where my mouth is.
And finally the chance to look at companies without the master’s pesky and manyfold dividend requirements?!
My monkey crew frantically threw away the cucumbers they were chewing on and enthusiastically got together in their war room, beating their chest for a while before starting to pick stocks while in chorus chanting “apes together strong”. Later in the process, cheap whiskey became an important part of their screening routine.
Here’s the shortlist they puked up elaborately produced with (all long suggestions):
Clearly a stock ensemble that fits as smoothly together like … some portfolio put together by Victor Frankenstein in an alternate universe where he became a hedge fund manager instead of a scientist?
Price adaptions to earnings changes often take a while to materialize unless it’s the super hot stocks de jour.
Yeah, only partially for me. Picking for a dividend (growth) portfolio seems different than speculating for biggest total return of five companies by Dec 31 2025 (translation: I have no skill for doing what we’re trying to do in this topic).
My 2025 buys (for that dividend producing portfolio) so far were:
Anyway, thanks for launching it, @PhilMongoose, this should be fun. This round, we’re trading paper money, next year people have to put in an actual million in order to participate.
By the way, what currency are we measuring this in? The global reserve currency or some tiny country’s safe haven currency?
In theory in this type of game you need to be even more crazy, like 100x leverage. You can’t win with a 30% gain. I’m into bitcoin but not 100%, but this is a game
Edit : I didn’t check the deadline. I’ve made the necessary corrections accordingly.
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