The Irish ETF has 15% cross border (US-> Ireland) non recoverable tax in dividend.
The US ETF has a 15% cross border tax on dividend(US->CH) non recoverable and depending on your status and your broker another 15% tax but recoverable when you fill you tax declaration. The good trick is that the non-recoverable tax can be taken as a credit on your final tax bill so it does not impact you at the end but it does impact the Swiss tax man.
With 1% dividend from the ETF, if you consider a TER without and with tax we get:
IDP6 0.60% 0.75%
IJR 0.07% 0.37%
Beware that fiscal situation of US securities held by non US person can change in time and that in case of inheritance US taxation may apply.
I am surprised that there is such a large difference between the US and the Irish ETF for the TER.
Or maybe it’s just you who’s a bit cheap. Is 100k really a lot of money around here? This is Switzerland, not some dirt poor eastern european country. I easily clear more than that each year
anyway, there are some resellers of IB platform like captrader who’ll waive account fee from 10k minimum investment or so
What remaining 15%? US withholding tax for swiss residents is only 15%. Assuming you earn enough, you get it all back with DA-1 and then pay your normal swiss income tax rate on the whole dividend
It is a bit confusing to me that people will be stressing out on 15% withholding tax on dividends and then at the same time complain about IB inactivity fees. This likely means that they have way less than 100k invested and the resulting withholding tax on the 1% dividend will be laughably small.
You fill the R-US for the US recoverable tax and you fill the DA-1 for the non recoverable tax of the US but eventually other countries like Germany for example.
Do u mean the math behind break even at 30k?
( 0.75%-0.37% p.a. ) x 30k is approx CHF 120 which equals the annual “inactivity fee”.
The math behind the 0.75 & 0.37 % is in many previous discussions.
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