Tax declarations are fun

I think I’ll attach the activity statement only to one DA-1 position this year.

Or maybe even attach it in the generic “Abschluss → Belege → Vermögen” instead of the DA-1 position, possibly with a short comment in the DA-1 positions.


Filled out most of my taxes, is it me or there’s weird bugs with ZH website when entering direct real estate funds?

It doesn’t seem to find the value for the shares from ictax, had to copy manually (and seems to lose some entries randomly, had to input multiple times).

edit: also mostly out of curiosity since it not significant to matter, what would be the “correct” way to report corporate actions like what DRPF did when they increased capital, is that just a “buy” in practice with no tax impact?

I was able to enter them without problems. DRPF /ERRES

Did it find the correct tax value (non zero)?

0.31 CHF per unit for DRPF
37.54 CHF per unit for ERRES

I believe ERRES has higher number due to their higher cash position

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The main reason is they own some buildings indirectly (taxed on the investor level) via : Société Immobilière Tredec SA, Société Immobilière Familia Rhône D SA, Mont-Cervin Capital SA , MILINVEST SA, SI Boulevard Carl-Vogt 5 SA, Société Immobilière Boulevard Carl-Vogt No. 60 SA, SI Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandell 13 SA, C.H. Concorde Holdings SA, Neptune Immobilier SA et ZAPIMMO SA

So the ETFs like SSAC & WEBG do not have yet the tax info. If i declare them in ZH software, do i need to enter them again when data is published or the data gets automatically updated?

They reworked that part of the tax software. Before, there was a button to sync current data from ICTax, now it is probably done automatically when opening the detail page of a position I suppose? I am also waiting on virtual dividend data for FWRA.

Let’s see
I will only submit when all data is available

I think this question was asked here but I cannot find any answer

How to declare the promotional shares that one gets from IBKR when we used promo code to open an account ?

Is this supposed to be entered as GIFT?

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You are in ZH, right?
Wouldn’t it just count as “Gratisaktie/Stockdividende (Zugang)”?

This is what I did… But not sure if this is right way.
I believe the Gratisaktie here most likely refers to Free stock given by the company for which you hold a position (typically paid in lieu of dividend)…

But i also cannot find another option

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Where do you guys write to ICTax if something is missing? I need VIOG

Side note: the company managing my House deposit decided to give me the interest from 2023 and 24 at the sime time and I have no idea how to put it on taxes since You can’t split it in two. I might have to do a manual trick. messy.

If you want to declare it, it’s as income (like how things like referral or opening account bonus for banks should be declared if you end up declaring them). Given the amount and the fact it’s not recurring but a one off it’s probably fine to ignore it and just make is as if you had bought it yourself.

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You get up to 1K USD with these referrals… Hard to say whether this still counts as irrelevant.
For 50 CHF i would ignore it yes. :sweat_smile:

Treat it as income.

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How do you find the ISIN for a security?

Usually it’s with the fund info, but most of the time I just google “isin TICKER”

Did anyone also have issues where the ISIN is not accepted?