Tax declaration

Fun statement. :smile:
I wouldn’t say so, Basel docs also mention 3 promil.

Indeed, I was not thinking from that perspective. Thank you for pointing it out. :slight_smile:

I don’t think Baltax calculates anything re fees anywhere, I reckon you have entered that 38 somewhere (or in multiple places) under account fees. Maybe it was copied from last year’s file?
The fees table is generated automatically from the lines in the WV which have fees.
Where I declare IB cash balance in the WV, I write the $120 fees, for example.
No, I don’t think Viac fees count.
WV = Wertschriftenverzeichnis

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OK I think I finally “cracked it” (for Basel, BalTax), so I am sharing my approach here - for validation. :slight_smile:

How I did it was:

  1. Find ISIN of the US ETF (e.g. VTI)
  2. Use ICTax to find Valor Nr. (e.g. 1 246 192)
  3. In BalTax, add new entry and first use Valor Nr. with search function, to get my values automatically calculated based on No of holdings
  4. Screenshot Step [3] and cancel that entry - because it classifies it automatically as “B - Ohne VSt.”, which is wrong, we need “DA-1”
  5. Add new entry - without using the search function, but fill in all things manually based on [3], classify as “DA-1”, set US as country (I also filled in the value in CHF immediately rather than using the calculator to add in USD) & Save, as in [5]

Outcome in the generated final PDF report:

  • Antrag auf pauschale Steueranrechnung (DA-1) - now has an entry
  • Antrag auf RĂŒckerstattung des zusĂ€tzlichen SteuerrĂŒckbehaltes USA - empty

Does that approach and outcome look correct?




Results looks legit to me. It’s a good idea IMO.

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Question to @ hedgehog or anyother that may know.
2019 I paid withholding tax partially since I had permit B and then I moved to permit C. Therefore I need to do the normal tax declaration.
Where shall I put that I had alrady paid 5 months of withholding tax so they take it into account?

They already know what was paid in, and would send you a letter with the amounts paid in and orange payslips to cover the rest.
If they haven’t you can ping them via email/phone and they will.

Follow-up question, for Basel Stadt lot.

The software spits out a PDF report, which kind of has embedded the W/DA-1-style tables.
(“Details zu den Wertschriften 2019” and “Pauschale Steueranrechnung (DA-1) und BS
zusĂ€tzlicher SteuerrĂŒckbehalt USA (R-US164) 2019 fĂŒr auslĂ€ndische Dividenden und Zinsen”)
Does that mean there is no need to fill it/them in additionally?

I have both DA-1 and W paper forms alongside, but they seem to me as repeating what is already provided in the report; so I am reluctant to handwrite superfluous stuff.
If one or both of them need to be filled in - do all get sent along with the tax forms?
Some have - perhaps in other cantons (ZH) - been writing that DA-1 (which is in my understanding the one with which we request “money back” via tax treaties handling) should go somewhere else.


That pdf includes everything needed, see the totals for example - “Betrag fĂŒr Berechnung pauschale Steueranrechnung” & “Zus. SteuerrĂŒckbehalt USA”.
No handwritten extras needed!
No need to send anywhere except Kt. BS (unless, you want to get the foreign withholding tax back in D, Fr etc which is a big hassle).


You made my day (night). Thanks! :beers:

Finally sending it then these days.
It’s been a struggle but I am happy I went through it, learned a lot. :smiley:
Now just fingers crossed there’s not much to fix once they receive it. :slight_smile:

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I need some help regarding tax declaration for 2019 (yes, pretty late). I am doing it for first time. I’m doing it on ZHPrivateTax (online portal). My german is terrible, so translating everything with google. I got my C permit in April 2019 (I was on Quellensteuer/taxed-at-source) till end of April 2019.

I have following questions/confusions:

  1. I bought 350 units of KBA ETF (US domiciled) on IB in Aug 2019. And received dividends in Dec 2019 (USD 0.4987 per unit). I filled in W8-BEN while opening account at IB. In the section “Wertschriften” of tax declaration portal, I try to enter KBA in list of securities (Wertschriftenverzeichnis) but it is not found! I check ICtax and it is not there either. How do I list my KBA units? And also fill in DA-1?

  2. I am from India and own some mutual funds there. (no transaction done in 2019, no dividends received). I have their ISIN (no valoren numbers as far as I know). Also, India has ~10% capital gains tax (if and when I sell them). Where do I declare them in Tax declaration here in Switzerland? In Vermögen > Übriges Vermögen > Bewegliches Vermögen > Übrige Vermögenswerte, nĂ€here Bezeichnung?

  3. In the entire form I did not find a place to report on the year end balances of my bank accounts. Am I missing something?

Thanks a lot for help.

This is also in the Wertschriftenverzeichnis. Instead of choosing e.g. “Aktie” in the category, you choose “Konto”.

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I see an “!” (error/warning) in one of the DA-1 sections:

DA-1 Vertreter/in
Vertreter/in, bevollmÀchtigt zur Entgegennahme von Auflagen und Entscheiden
Vertreterdaten von der SteuererklĂ€rung ĂŒbernehmen
TreuhÀnder-ID CHE-..-
(Nur vom Kantonalen Steueramt ZĂŒrich aufgrund eines TH-Registerantrages individuell zugeteilte TreuhĂ€nder-ID eingeben)

What could this mean?

I received a report from “special forces” :slight_smile: (Abteilung Spezialsteuern, BS).

All seems mostly well and understandable - they approved (bewilligt) the amount that my tax declaration claimed for the WHT part.

Only one subitem is confusing me, as I cannot find a related number anywhere in my declaration, nor infer it from other numbers somehow:
Under “Ermittlung der anzurechnenden Spesen” (eng. Determination of expenses to be charged) there are 4 parts:

  • Total WertschriftenertrĂ€gnisse
  • Steueranrechnungsberechtigte WertschriftenertrĂ€gnisse (generated by the DA-1 listed items)
  • Prozentualer Spesenanteil (ratio of the 2 above) --> these 3 I get where they come from
  • Anzurechnende Spesen --> Now this is the amount which I cannot match to anything

It is “close” to my claimed WHT (182.50 vs. 177.00), but not really there.
It is then further used in the following section to determine the “max allowable amount” combined with my tax rate.
I would love to understand its source. Any ideas?

Edit: I think I got it!
I specified my Vermögensverwaltungskosten as 278, and this amount 182.50 corresponds to 278 * Prozentualer Spesenanteil (65.64%). :slight_smile:

EDIT: Whoops, didn’t notice that the question was months old

Using the ISIN, as a unique identifier used by much of developed Europe.

Unless it’s something that can be exploited for financial gains, the U.S. just prefers their own prehistoric way of identifying things rather than adopting international standard (see also: measurements, bank account numbers, etc.).

The ETF should have an ISIN though.

I think they should (preferably) be declared as mutual funds or investment funds (unless you’re technically prohibited from doing so).

I assume they are irrelevant to your Swiss tax declaration.
I don’t know how and when CGT is charge, but I assume the correct declaration would be declaring gross amounts for the sale of these securities. E.g., you sell 1000 fund units at a price of 1000 INR, you declare sale of securities for one million INR (even if your broker withheld Indian CGT at the time of sale).

Thanks anyways, I just listed KBA and mutual fundswith their ISIN numbers and dividends (very small last year) and it all went through fine.

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Hey there,
Im a complete noob in tax declaration (I just got my C permit last year), and also a noob in investing :slight_smile:
I own some ETF, and a few actions too

In canton de Vaud, it seems they made a new version of VaudTax (2.1), but according to what I understand, I cannot use it because of that:
Les situations suivantes ne permettent pas l’utilisation de VaudTax 2.1 et nĂ©cessitent l’utilisation de VaudTax 2020 ou un autre logiciel agrĂ©Ă© :
3.Revenu ou fortune provenant d’actions, obligations, prĂȘts ou crĂ©ances, fonds de placement, parts sociales, relevĂ© fiscal bancaire, gain ou mises de loterie, participation qualifiĂ©e, comptes et titres commerciaux.

Can anyone confirm me ?

Thank you !

You must use VaudTax 2020, then download VaudTax 2021, 2022 etc. every year. VaudTax 2.0 and now 2.1 were recently created to simplify the life of young people who only have a salary and a savings account.


To report back - I received the docs (for 2019 taxes, BS) back and can confirm that all went through except just one item!
The 1600CHF deductions for “Mehrkosten fĂŒr auswĂ€rtige Verpflegung”, which were a long shot anyway (given that I live 5min by bike from work). :slight_smile:

They even accepted some unexpected things, like 120CHF of UBS account expenses. :smiley:
But I guess just because all those “investment fees” were a tiny amount overall.

Just a quick question: How do you know what deductions they changed? Did you receive a letter where they stated the changes they’ve done? (I dont live in BS but could be similar here in ZH).

Yes, I received a listing of items (with their codes/ids) which affected the final numbers.

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