So, I'm ready. Need a bit of guidance for the final steps



That’s what I was suspecting, thank you. Soon to be ETF 1st time direct owner :slight_smile:

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So, I’ve have been steadily increasing my VT position and gaining confidence in using IB.
As well as some other minimal positions “for fun” such as VGAC and possibly some cannabis industry ETFs.
Could someone point me out to the information/procedures I need to know for my 2021 tax filling? I also read somewhere that I need to inform the Kanton in case of ETFs they don’t know about (cannabis ETFs maybe?).

Thanks a lot!


Well done on your first steps :+1:
You’ve already done the hardest part

You’d need to list your year-end assets and your dividend income in your tax declaration, the details depend on the canton of residence but usually it’s relatively straightforward
nothing to worry about an year in advance :slight_smile:
If you download the yearly activity report from IB it contains more than enough information for the tax office.

This is the confederation’s website with all the official tax values if you want to check them: ICTax - Income & Capital Taxes

Thank you for the quick reply! that seems easy enough indeed.
Does the same apply to other investments such as direct investments in stocks of SPACs (VGAC?)

Do I not need to reclaim taxes via the form DA 1 ?

So I just checked one of the site for this ETF: Cannabis ETF
And it isn’t referencend, I remember reading somewhere there was a way to notify the tax authority for them to add it to the list. Would you happen to know how to do that?

So I contacted the federal tax administration and they added the funds. Great news! :slight_smile:

Could someone point me out to how the whole DA-1 thing works so that I can understand the subject before next years tax statement ?

Thank you!


@PocketFred try this: Swiss tax guide for investors - Mustachian Post If that doesn’t cover it all, ask again :slight_smile:

It seems my google-fu is weak these days! Thanks!

Have done exactly this via IB and moved last motn my 3a to viac as well.
Selma too but with a small amount. Done before i got all the information mentioned in this forum.
Still learning