Share your salary progression

Here’s my updated salary progression:

Year Gross income Event
2012 88k Moved to Switzerland, joined local industrial company
2013 99k
2014 125k Moonlighting, switched to the new company by year end (early-stage SV startup), all future jobs are remote
2015 117k
2016 123k Promotion
2017 151k Includes severance package from downsizing
2018 127k Switched to a blockchain company
2019 121k
2020 158k + options Switched to a late-stage SV company
2021 165k + options

A somehow more or less steady salary progression in the last couple of years:

2011: 93k
2012: 110k
2013: 127k
2014: 138k
2015: 145k
2016: 153k
2017: 153k
2018: 175k
2019: 179k
2020: 252k
2021: 284k
2022: to be seen


Those are awesome numbers! Can you add some context, such as area, contractor or employee, etc?


Lovely progression. :open_mouth:
Care to hint at what caused the major bumps along the way?
I believe you mentioned you work in the financial sector, right?


Wow! Nicely done! I wish mine was as steady as yours between 2019-2020 :wink::sweat_smile:


2017: 50k (Paris)
2018: 53k (Paris/Berlin)
2019: 60k (Berlin)
2020: 81k (Berlin/Zurich)
2021: 112k (Zurich)

First job from early 2017 till early 2018, second job from mid 2018 till mid 2020, third and current job since mid 2020 - hence the “middle step” in 2020.


@Mobius @dbu @JMH

Thanks for your comments.
To add some context: Masters in Banking and Finance from St. Gallen & CFA, working in the investment area in retail banking.

I changed position 2013 and got my first lower management position. Afterwards somehow managed to get a salary raise every year in the same position (i’m even more surprise with hindsight it worked out :stuck_out_tongue: ) and changed company for a somehow higher managemend position in 2020.

If you have any more questions, happy to share details via PM.


Developer, IT Bachelor in 2015.

2016 - 48k (startup like company, pretty hard to find an IT job with 0 experience in Valais so I took the first thing I could)
2017 - 49.2k (got fired mid year and unemployed for the rest of the year)
2018 - 72k (small insurance company ~30 persons, moved from Valais to Vaud)
2019 - 73.8k
2020 - 73.8k
2021 - 100.1k (changed company, bigger insurance company ~350 persons in Lausanne)
2022 - 101k

I’m actually quite pleased with my situation, they’re pleased with me, working on a lot of different projects, good salary. I still want to improve though. I just finished my first year at this company, they announced a global 1% salary increase. I got no bonus though, my IT colleagues too. I don’t want to undervalue myself in this market, so my plan is to ask for a 5% at the end of the year during the annual evaluation (and probably 5% every other year). Does that make sense? Should I ask for more?

Are there people in this thread in IT in Lausanne?


The biggest difference is whether IT is a source of cost or a source of revenue for the company.

For an insurance, sounds like it’s the former. You’ll have probably a much better experience switching to a place where IT is a source of revenue.


Nearly in my 30’s, just an High School Diploma in IT.

2009 - 2013: 2k euro per year as summer job (Italy)
2013 - 2014: unpaid internship (Italy)
2014 - 2017: 33k back when I thought I was finally rich after I moved to Switzerland (CH)
2017 - 2018: 96k my first real Swiss job (CH)
2018 - 2019: 52k unemployment due to wanting to change career (CH)
2019 - 2021: 120k (CH)
2021 - now: 110k + up to 15k bonus (CH)


Data & Analytics consultant with career start as web developer, completed IT bachelors in 2016

Year Gross income Event
2009 57k web developer
2010 63k web developer
2011 60k web developer, part-time Berufsmaturitätsschule
2012 61k switched jobs, web developer at different company
2013 53k got fired mid year and started studying bachelors in IT
2014 30k freelancing as dev & student
2015 35k freelancing & student
2016 54k graduated, started at Big4 consulting firm, stopped freelancing
2017 90k + 10k bonus promotion
2018 102k + 17k bonus promotion to Manager
2019 127k + 29k bonus
2020 129k + 23k bonus
2021 158k + 10k bonus Switched to new job in banking, bonus payout from last job

2016: 86k + 16k bonus
2017: 87k + 19k bonus
2018: 91k + 20k bonus
2019: 107k + 30k bonus (job change; but lost 10k bonus due to vesting)
2020: 107k + 6k bonus
2021: 146k + 40k bonus + 120k options (job change; late stage start up which benefited from valuation upside; options vested over 4 years)

Annualized figures for the bonus. Working in the Banking / Finance sector.


Mechanical engineer graduated in 2019

2016 : 11.000€ - Technician apprenticeship
2017 : 18.000€ - Engineering apprenticeship (1st year)
2018 : 24.000€ - 2nd year
2019 : 26.000€ - 3rd year

Move to Switzerland after my diploma :

2020 : 75.000.-
2022 : 79.000.- (+5%)
2021 : 89.000.- (+12%)
2022 : To the moon ?

Year Gross income Event
2009 24k Internship
2011/ 2015 50-70k Summer jobs in different officies
2016 80k Ziwildienst
2017 72k Work as architect
2018 72k
2019 72k Reduced worload and started new education
2020 125k Switched to RE company
2021 125k
2022 135k Promotion

All salaries listed as yearly income, but i might only have worked for a few months (holiday jobs / internships)

Year Gross income Events
2018 52k Internship as a jurist (6 months), Unemployment insurance (2 months), Clerk in a jurisdiction (4 months)
2019 54k Clerk in a jurisdiction (6 months), Unemployment insurance (2 months), Internship as a lawyer (4 months)
2020 55k Internship as a lawyer (2 months), Jurist in a company (5 months), Unemployment insurance (7 months)…Thank you corona…
2021 45k Unemployment insurance (5 months), Internship as a lawyer (7 months),
2022 ??? Internship as a lawyer (6 months), Looking for my next opportunity for July 2022

Yep, my professional carrer is a bit a disaster since I’ve got my last university diploma in 2016 :slight_smile:

I was looking for an internship to become a lawyer since the end of 2016. Unfortunately, in Geneva, it was almost impossible to find an internship, and at the end it took me 5 years to have one in a law firm (the first one was in a jurisdiction for a maximum of 6 months; and you need at least 18 months to be able to pass the bar exam). At least, I didn’t have to send my profile, a lawyer contact me and hired me! And I’m currently really happy because the atmosphere is great and the work is really interesting, despite the salary.

Now I’m ending a CAS in Data protection (end of february) and hope to find something in this filed for July 2022. Maybe I will become a future DPO :stuck_out_tongue:

The bar exam is setup for Novembre 2022.


28 y/o data scientist in Zurich

My total compensation progression:

2017: 48k CHF (Part-time Software Eng.)
2018: 24k EUR (Internship in EU)

2019: 115k CHF
2020: 125k CHF
2021: 125k CHF
2022: 182k CHF


Nice bump this year.
Care to share what happened?


Yes, sure. The bump comes from a change of company. From a bank to an international tech company.


28 years now

Treasury systems analyst back in Portugal moved to Geneva to work as Treasury consultant.
And moving now within Switzerland to work as an Analyst again…

2017: 12k (in Portugal)
2018: 90k (move to Geneva)
2019: 96k
2020: 99k
2022: 125k


Does the 182k include bonus? If so how much?

Nice progression. Congratulations!