Share your net worth progression

Why not just posting the real numbers? Is it 500k or 5M?

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I think it was pretty clear from context the unit was kCHF.


Apologies if that was unclear.

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basic accounting, unit of currency is always thousands.
but for us poor people, it looks better with some trailing zeroes :smiley:


You didn’t change jobs into crypto in 2022 by any chance?

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What are your material assets? And how to read the orange ‘investment’ line?

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Yeah, like in no chance.

I fundamentally get the math and in spirit all the aspirations in deplacing the centralized existing financial system for a crypto and defi approach to finance.

But I am afraid crypto and defi are learning the decades (centuries?) of lessons by the existing financial system and all its regulations (and why they exist) as we speak.

So, definitively no.


It includes physical gold, a watch and the car till the end of 2021.

The orange line is cumulative savings.
Not sure if that word describes it better?
So I started investing at the start of 2021 and the increase of the line since then are the invested savings.

Mostly sideways in 2022. High spending due to wedding/honeymoon and Mr. Market taking a dump.

Some key figures:

  • Stonks YoY: -28.5k
  • Cryptos YoY: -13.5k
  • NW YoY: +9.5k (+35k including 2nd pillar)

And now for me :

Actual Net Worth, without 2nd pillar and cumulatitive invested money on the left axle, savings per month and per rolling 12 months on the right axle. The inflexion is due to my wife and I taking a new job (well mainly my wife since hers was zero before).Aiming for a savings rate of 100k CHF/y.

Dividends are not included in the savings, but “internal”.

Missed the goal on crossing the 400k line due to the events we know about, but hey, that’s life. The trend line for net worth (green) is still steeper than the paid in trend line (red). The red dots are pretty aligned, even while we do not have a budget and just investing the surplus each month (and my wife’s irregular income since she is paid on an hourly wage).


This year wasn’t too nice with the stock and crypto market.

On top I had to pay of a lot of taxes due to a salary jump in 2020 (and it takes ages to evaluate for the canton and I don’t like opportunity cost, so I pay when I get the bill and not based on expected taxes)



Am I the only one who is driven crazy by these numbers without the apostrophes or with Rappen? :rofl:


Maybe it’s just you. According to your nickname, you are used to be driven crazy , @Luk_nuts :smiley:

What “bothers” me a bit, are all those excel graphs with tiiiny dates on the bottom, all crammed together and not a single spike to understand where a year ends. :slight_smile:

There you go, another one! Even added year end values :slight_smile:


Cool, thanks! Is it normal that your 2nd pillar does not grow at all?

Full time studying until recently and only 23 years old, so not much contributing to pillar 2 (yet) :slight_smile:


That’s nice! I thought that from age 17 to 25, contributions cover only death and disability. Can it be up to your pension fund to let you contribute before turning 25?

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Wow! I’m jealous of your great start - keep it up!


I can tell you more as soon as I get that pension fund document for last year. But I know that I can choose either 0.5% or 3.5% and the employer contributes another 3.5% for my age group. This whole death, disability and other contributions are all too complicated for me… :sweat_smile:

Thank you! Been saving since my apprenticeship and it has been laying around as cash in bank accounts for a a few years… Now there is a good use for it, you can see the decline in cash in the graph.

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