Share your net worth progression

How would you guys track your RE?

As I have access to evaluation tools with the biggest database in Switzerland (Wüest & Partner) I could potentially make new evaluation every month. Then subtract the current mortgage of it and get the new value.

The issue is: We paid 110k less than the current market value (880k). I see 2 options:

  1. Track it as it is and increase my net worth directly by the current gain.
  2. Set the buying price as the base (770k) and change it relative (%) to the further increase. So if it goes from 880k to 920k (+4.55%), then increase the value from 770k to 805k.

Personally, I only consider liquid assets (cash, investments, 3a, crypto, etc), and leave out anything that has a “negotiations” value (car, watches, real estate, etc).

If I were to take into account the value of my real estate, I would calculate:

Value at appraisal (at the conclusion of the mortgage) - Mortgage = current value.
However, I would re-evaluate the value of the property every year according to the appreciation/depreciation. I don’t see the need to keep the value of a property up to date, I can live with an annual revaluation (my opinion).

In your case, I will take into account the market value.

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Maybe the question was asked already.

What tools do you use to track your net worth?

I see some are using excel. Other suggestions?

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I don’t track the market value as long as there is no intention to sell. I just add the amount of the Erneuerungsfond to be a bit less conservative.
If I would consider the market value, I would then deduct or add a separate line for the
Grundstückgewinnsteuer (real estate gain tax), as it will anyway be due. Amount to be updated every year


Excel sheets or Google sheets.
YNAB is a good (but paid) alternative.
I tried Toshl, don’t like the way credit card are tracked.
Spendee seems to be a good alternative and a little cheaper than YNAB.


beancount, has unfortunately a rather high initial investment into the setup but then tracking is very nice.


Ok, thanks. I dont want to connect any accounts to apps, but will have a look at YNAB.

Guess I will start tracking my NW manually on a quarterly basis (Stocks / ETFs Total; Crypto total; 3a; Pension fund).

Dont have that many positions, so it should be easy to create a graph in Excel.

For me, most important is to see the actual savings rate / increase of income over the quarters / years.

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Excel sheet on a monthly basis. It’s good enought.

I do not track actual expenses vs. budget as I’m to lazy to enter every expenditure into a system


I can highly recommend Portfolio Performance, it’s free and you can configure automatic price feed from Yahoo Finance and other sources.

There’s only one security for which I update the price manually once a month.

If you use VIAC, there’s a built-in import tool that can consume the PDF statements from VIAC and automatically generates the transactions. Works perfectly fine for me with 4 VIAC accounts, which would be a nightmare if I had to do it manually.

Here are some screenshots from my Dashboard.


I use a custom Python script which gets stock prices and currency conversion rates from yahoo finance. It initially started as a list containing the value of my assets in CHF and grew over the years.

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I can confirm that Portfolio Performance (PP) is very useful. It has a steep learning curve and requires an initial investment to set it up. But then it’s fantastic to track all kinds of assets.
You can import bank and buy/sell statements from many banks automatically. A list of covered institutions is available in the PP forum.
Bear in mind that the creator of PP and most of the user base are German, so most institutions are relevant for German investors. But many banks and brokers that are important for Swiss investors are covered, as well, e. g. Swissquote, UBS, and Postfinance.
For other accounts, e. g. current accounts, I’ve created VBA scripts to convert the bank statement (available as csv file) into something that PP can import. I’m not really good at script writing, so anyone familiar with VBA should be able to do it. If anyone is interested how that works, please send me a private message.

Factors that may be more or less important to you:

  • Free, can be used for private and commercial purposes
  • Good and active support by the creator and a forum, also in English
  • Data is on your own computer only (good if you’re apprehensive about sensitive data in the cloud)
  • Standalone program for Windows, Mac and Linus, but no mobile app and not accessible via web interface

Parqet is a relatively new competitor and has a free but restricted and two paid pro versions for ~90/330 EUR per year. I’ve just played around with a time limited premium membership and find it very interesting: Nice interface, drag and drop import of documents, good breakdown of your assets, mobile app available. To the best of my knowledge, the program is only available in German. I’m not tempted to switch from PP.

The same seems to apply to Rentablo, but I haven’t tried this one yet.



You can run Portfolio Performance in a Docker container and then access it through a browser. You can even expose it to the Internet and access ot from anywhere. I had this setup running in the past, but realized that I don’t really need it.

It is also possible to store the PP data files in a cloud e.g. Onedrive and then you can access them from every computer with PP running on it (not via smartphone - there is no mobile app). Whether you want to store your financial information online is up to you though…

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I use an antique program named Quicken for managing all our assets. I’d love to upgrade to something more current but really want it off the internet to avoid data fraud. That said, the old Quicken program is not intuitive but it does a good job.

Can we split the “How to Share your net worth progression” thread?


Yeah it would make sense. Move all these posts to a new thread “How do you track your net worth?”.

@Bojack could you do that? :smiley:

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New month, new update. Not exactly moving up :frowning: More info as usual on my blog:


You mentioned having ordered and set up 10 servers for mining.

These costs are not visible in your April cash flow. How will you consider them ?

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Are you using Vultr for the mining project (Rent Hardware - Phala Network Wiki)?
Can you provide some more information , expense & income…

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The 10 servers are paid for by the friend that provides the stake. So I only have my own “labor” costs there.

No Vultr is generally too expensive, for now trying to fly under the radar (of detecting crypto mining activity) with a cheaper hosting provider.

Maybe we should discuss this topic in another thread tho.