[Poll] What is your broker of choice at the moment?

One theoretical advantage of swiss brokers is in bank secrecy - they won’t rat you out to the swiss tax authorities automatically by themselves, at least so long as there’s no suspicion of money laundering or anything else illegal, AFAIK. Whereas the rules for cross-border banking tightened up significantly with AEOI regulations: tax authorities will get a short summary of your activity with most foreign brokers starting this year.

Then, if by american broker you mean IB, note that actually you’ll be dealing with two jurisdictions, which complicates stuff around deposit protection and any legal disputes you might eventually have. As a swiss customer, your front, on the paper, will be IB UK, regulated in UK and affiliated with US-based IB LLC through which you’ll actually trade. IB LLC has SIPC coverage, IB UK - not, only FSCS. But, for the part of your assets that it keeps at IB LLC (stocks normally should be, cash I wouldn’t bet), you should still theoretically be covered by SIPC.

The five golden rules on capital gains tax avoidance say absolutely nothing about where your broker should be.

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Hmm, any idea why do they do it this way? Why can you not be a direct customer of IB USA? If this is such a complex and unclear matter, then would it not make sense to invest with a broker that allows you to invest directly in USA? Why nobody here uses TD Ameritrade or Schwab?

Also, why would people need this SIPC protection? The securities belong to me, so a broker going bankrupt should have no effect on them? Other case would be fraud or system error (somebody breaks into the system and makes a mess of my portfolio). Is the situation in USA different than in Europe when it comes to security ownership?

Schwab has the same arrangement with UK, AFAIK

It originated in the 70s when people were still using paper certificates, which could get lost or stolen or burned. Today with centralized electronic record keeping, it’s probably less of an issue, but protection against fraud and system failures might still be useful I imagine, and not to forget generous cash protection limit

The shares you keep at IB and most other US brokers are electronically registered in the name of the broker, not yours, btw. You’re just recorded as their beneficial owner on broker’s books


This one https://slotsjudge.com/.
Yes, yes I know it is a casino. But It’s, all the same, isn’t it? Same win-rate in a long run.

Bullshit. Long term investing in stocks/bonds is a positive sum game: it has an internal rate of return, companies are making truckloads of moneys, balance sheets keep growing, dividends gets paid, everyone’s happy and gets the money. Casinos on the other hand are rigged from the beginning in house’s favor - on purpose and with legislators’ blessing. In the long run only the house wins. That’s even worse than forex/short term speculation where at least you only have your own stupidity and lack of resources to blame for losses, otherwise it’s a fair play field and practically zero sum notwithstanding broker fees.


Don’t feed the trolls :rofl:

Just read this article about a “lower cost” round happening, and felt it may suit this thread. The Swissquote CEO babbles about the so wide products offered to and used by the clients of SQ and how that justifies and customer is OK with the higher fees. CS and UBS mention how their “Beratung” completely justifies their fees. They not worried at all. Of course what they say and what they think inside may be different. At most 10 years from now I predict they gonna feel the fee cliff, as even the oldest generation is then at least partially able to use internet based banking.
They must be seeing the trickle (currently) leaving these local options for the crazy cheaper but equally good “exotic” options (IB et al).
Would be interesting to see the results of a poll, “what broker were u using 2-3 years ago, and what broker u using now?”


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Just stop with this casino nonsense. Casinos and lotteries exploit human psychology, where were willing to invest a small sum of money for a chance to win a big sum, even if the odds are against us. My recommendation for casino would be like for hard drugs: not even once.

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Maybe once for recreation. But not two. :joy:

Congrats to both of you for replying to a spam message :stuck_out_tongue:

Spambots are getting smarter… I guess that’s the future, we will be arguing online with AI-controlled trolls.

Spammer and his messages are now deleted.

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Has anyone tried Strateo as their broker of choice? Would you care to share your experience and your opinion on fees etc? They’re Swiss-based, backed up by Arkéa private bank. Looks like it’s more interesting for getting individual shares rather than ETFs, but any reviews would be much welcome!

“From 10$ on the American markets”

How is that interesting? I have never paid more than 0.3$ per trade on IB.


In fact I’m trading with Strateo. Not because I think they’re the best but because when I started 3 years ago, they were the cheapest on some moneyland comparison chart.
They have a nice UI, miles “better” than CT and IB, atleast for understanding. The fees that hurt me the most right now are currency conversion fees of 0.6% as I’m buying ETFs in USD instead of CHF. Other than that, they charge you 0.08% (min. 60.-) a year for your depot.

If fees didn’t matter I’d stay with them because the platform is easier to navigate and stuff is way easier to find. But as they do, I’m currently considering to switch to IB (like everybody else on here it seems). In my calculations Strateo was about 25% more expensive than CT BUT Strateo is a qualified intermediary while CT isn’t.

To be fair, the IB app is pretty easy to use and from what I have heard the web-version too.

I wonder how many customers they loose by not including those options in the trial.

Conspiracy theorie: It is a deliberate strategy to filter out people who can not be bothered figuring out TWS, like they do with the outrageous spam messages XD (those are deliberately so obvious to only get the most gullible which are most likely to get them money).

But you can test the WebTrader demo.


I find the arguments about ease of use ridiculous. If you’re a buy and hold investor then you make 1 trade per month or even per quarter, so it’s totally irrelevant how stuff looks.

Neat, I am pretty sure that was not the case when I switched.

I personally do not mind TWS, I would have probably even switched even if it had just a command-line interface, the app is pretty neat though, especially the readonly mode.

A post was split to a new topic: [Poll] What is your broker of choice (2023)