If you add unrealized gains (and losses) from the stock market to your income, you might also want to consider adding gains (and losses) from the value of your apartments to income. But I think these should be in a different category named “wealth”.
So you spent all money you made in 2024 and did not put any money for yourself and wife into 3rd pillar? Did you set aside some money for larger renovations in your 2 apartments? Do you have an emergency fund with cash at hand or do you have to sell some stocks in an emergency?
I think I am being insensitive but it feels like your wife is not pulling her financial weight in this relationship.
Hi, I think I was a bit too vague with just saying “education”. To clarify this is after my masters degree. I part-timed in a relevant field during the masters and already had some internships/work experience before that. From the point where I finished my bachelors if you adjusted my salary to 100% you would probably just see a gradual increase across several years.
Going straight to 7-8k netto would definitely be a bit steep unless you are in some really high-earning career paths (which I am not).
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