Neon-bank fee free worldwide

Wouldn‘t also use neo-banks als main account, honestly - ZKB is a very good choice.

Thank you, I will remain with neon for FX transactions during holidays :smiley:

I noticed today the logo of SBB instead of my employer, just because the text in reference field was “SBB Spesen”. Funny, but I’ll survive it.

I’ll keep neon as main account. The best reason for me: I’ll see when I spend in EUR in Italy just seconds later the amount in CHF in the app. I’m every other day in Italy.
All other banks I tried was not the case (WIR you see days later, Alpian you see just EUR until settled)…


The “SBB issue” is not unique to SBB. I bought Reka credit from a relative and by adding “REKA” in the subject field the recipient of my wire is displayed as “Schweizer Reisekasse (Reka)”. Note that the debit note of the wire is correctly formatted; I see there the correct recipient.

Yes, the feature could have been better thought through but not a killer for me. I will keep using neon as my main bank account for payments (balance is anyway never much, as I invest monthly with IBKR).

Happens when the developers/product owners are trying to be too “smart” -
“oh you know what would be cool, if we did some regex and automagically assigned labels to content” without thinking through consequences.


What about Wise?

Haven’t tried yet… (or have to check if I have an old account… and I see I have one, because I had to open one while paying with neon abroad).

I will order the card and try it out.


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Next step (or current already maybe?) is to use an LLM to do the classification.
A good internship project that. :slight_smile: