Need for inputs/suggestion: Children Savings

Hi all,

We started to accumulate something for our little boy (2y). Likely the form of investment is not optimal and that’s why I seek for advices.

At the moment, this is what we (with the contribution of the granparents with gifts) secured for him:

  • 10K EUR, now deposited into a Post Finance Young Account (0.25% interests). This amount can be withdrawn at any time and invested somewhere else;
  • 4K EUR, in a form of BTP (italian postal savings bond). At 18y (2039) he will withdraw 8K EUR. This amount could be withdrawn, but we do prefer to keep it there (diversification plus other reasons).
  • 1 once of gold. This can be traded with the regular daily selling prices.

In a few months, the family will increase by +1, so we have to start to extend the savings.

I would like to continue investing with the metals, with a regular saving and then purchasing the golden bar (e.g. 20 gr.).
The 10K at PF account, is definetely senseless: I was looking for alternative products on Post FInance, but I could not find anything I could really understand, knowing myself I do rather prefer to get an easy and managable way to handle it.
I do have a Degiro where some shares are parked: would you reccomend some ETF to buy on that platform which I can regularly top-in? Or other alternatives?

Thanks in advance for your kind inputs


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to invest for children?