Mustachians, introduce yourselves!

Hello all!
I’m new here so this is my first post :tada:
I’ve been reading about finance (books, blogs, podcasts…) since 2020 (rookie!) and I found this forum very recently. I think I have a good life balance and I love that I do for a living (easy to guess!). Basically I’m here to learn, share some thoughts and discuss finance related topics.
Cheers from the French-speaking side :switzerland: !


Hey everybody! :smile:
It’s a pleasure to be part of this community. I’ve been trying to surround myself with people like y’all

I’m a 22 years old Italian 2° year student in International Business Management currently studying in Belgium. I am going to Bern from September onwards to spend my 3° year there and get the Double Degree in Bern BHF (Bern university of applied sciences).

I am planning on building my career in Switzerland and reach the FI before my 40’s (hopefully even earlier).
I love the world of Finance, I’ve been self-studying how to invest in the Stock Market, Crypto’s and Forex for 2 years. Basically, I love numbers.
I’m very interested also in Programming, as I am self-learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript so far; up next Phyton.

I found this community through the great @MrRIP of which I’ve read all his blogs and strictly following! I hope one day I will be valuable enough to be taken into consideration by people like you.

I am currently looking for a cheap room in Bern from September onwards, and any advice for living in Bern is welcome!!

Btw, my short-term goal is to get a job in Switzerland in Finance, so if anyone has any contacts or is up give me a shot, it would be really appreciated.
I am looking for learning and gaining experience and not essentially earning money right now.

I’d like to thank in advance all those answering my message!
The best luck to everybody :star_struck:


I live in Bern too, if you need help to know a bit more the city you can text me on instagram (@iamberramatteo). Have a good day :slight_smile:

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Welcome Andrea, good luck with your Swiss adventure :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone.
I’ve been reading your posts assiduously for several months and it’s time to introduce myself.
I’m Luni, I’m 40 years old and I live in Bellinzona. For a long time I worked as a software engineer for banks, but not in banks. Paradoxically I started to invest since I changed sectors. I’m interested in ETFs, factor investing and sometimes in options when I have time and opportunities arise.
I’m also interested in cryptocurrencies from a technology perspective, computer programming, things that have to do with the mind and a bit of spirituality :wink:
Since a month I follow @MrRIP and his (mis)adventures.
I thank much @weirded for some advice he gave me yesterday, on how to fill out the tax form here in Ticino, with IB statements.
Greetings to all,



(bla bla, devo raggiungere 20 caratteri)

Hi everyone :raising_hand_woman:t2:

I’m a Portuguese expat in Vaud.

My FIRE/FIOR journey probably started in 2018 when I decided to look (yet again) for a budgeting app and came across YNAB. Then in 2019 I learned about FIRE through a podcast interview with MMM and got hooked!

I’ve been following the Mustachian Post, Mr. RIP, Millenial Money and several other blogs since then while trying to wrap my head around investing my money (which I am now doing regularly, yay!).

So the next step on my journey was to get involved with the community! This is why I finally signed up to the forum today :blush:

Hopefully you’ll see more of me around here in the future.



Welcome @HappyFrugalist ! Bem-vinda! I joined a couple of months ago, but already learned a lot! :sunglasses:

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Welcome @HappyFrugalist - great to see some Portuguese expat community growing as Mustachians :slight_smile:



Hello everybody,

I am 41, dual citizen, born in Switzerland where I have lived most of my life. I work in Consulting/IT. I am by no means a FIRE guy, but would consider myself frugal “by nature”, mostly due to my upbringing/parents. I have been “playing” on the stock market since the age of 15 or 16 (CH companies exclusively - historically for no particular reason). There is more international exposure now thanks to VIAC. Even though I have followed a fairly random path when it comes to personal finances (it just happened), I have been doing well – with ups and downs (dot-com bubble, subprime, COVID-19, you name it). I want keep an open mind and optimize my portfolio, and also contribute to the forum. ETFs have recently attracted my attention again (one of my main investments had been an SMI ETF for many years). I am also crypto curious (not involved yet) and have pretty much said goodbye to property “investment” (i.e. buying my own house/flat) for now.
I have never tracked my actual savings rate, only calculate net worth on an annual basis and don’t do budgets (no kids, “only” married). That being said, I keep a sharp eye on my finances , the markets, and recently this forum.

Looking forward to being in touch! :cowboy_hat_face:


Welcome @HappyFrugalist and @ZahliBaba!
And thanks for introducing yourself. :slight_smile:

what does FIOR means? Financial Independence O… R… ?

@pwi Optional Retirement

I guess I’m mostly interested in the FI part, then I can dedicate myself to meaningful work that might not be super profitable… :wink:


Looking forward to it! I see you have a blog too so of course I’ve added it to an evergrowing list of Swiss FIRE blogs. The YNAB, cats and finding yourself alone with (even) more expenses with a new salary part resonates with me. Looking forward to your contributions!


You say that you don’t keep track of savings rate of budget but I am very curious to know if you have calculated some kind of TW return rate for all these years and compared it to how VT would have performed for example?



Awwww, my first follower :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll try not to disappoint! I’m just getting started, still trying to figure out Wordpress and basic SEO :sweat_smile:


Welcome HappyFrugalist and ZahliBaba!

If, at some point in your writing career, you fancy sharing your experiences about launching your blog (including technical learning/difficulties), please, do. It’s nice to see one more actor on the swiss scene, the more perspectives we have, the better.

Enjoy the journey.


Thank you! That’s an interesting point, I’ll keep it in mind. At the very least I could share whatever resources end up helping me, because I see A LOT of fake gurus in Digital Marketing! :slightly_smiling_face:


Are you going to consider writing in Portuguese as this is the unofficial 5th language of Switzerland :smiley: Would be lovely to read some posts in your native language as well.

I am considering it, yes. I wonder whether there is a big enough audience for that, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to try!


Count on me as audience! :smiley: Portuguese here as well and living in Basel but not planning FIRE for the moment.