Mustachian portfolios

So I updated my portfolio to use Avantis ETFs with a small cap value tilt.

Morningstar style box (VIAC+Finpension is approximated with VT):

Target Allocation

Ticker Name Weight
AVUS Avantis U.S. Equity ETF 24.4%
AVUV Avantis U.S. Small Cap Value ETF 29.9%
AVDE Avantis International Equity ETF 12.8%
AVDV Avantis International Small Cap Value ETF 20.1%
AVEM Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 12.8%

Reference is MSCI region weights. Small cap value is 50% of the whole taxable portfolio. Cost is 0.26% per year.

Region Allocation Fund Allocation
Switzerland 22.8% CSIF SMI 15.8%
CSIF SPI Extra 5.9%
CSIF (CH) Equity Switzerland Small & Mid Cap ZB 0.4%
CSIF (CH) Equity Switzerland Large Cap Blue ZB 0.7%
World 32.6% CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Blue - Pension Fund ZB 28.7%
CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Small Cap Blue - Pension Fund DB 3.9%
North America 22.4% CSIF US - Pension Fund 21.1%
CSIF Canada 1.3%
Europe 7.6% CSIF Europe ex CH 7.6%
Asia 4.5% CSIF Pacific ex Japan 1.7%
CSIF Japan 2.8%
Emerging Markets 10.1% CSIF (CH) Equity Emerging Markets Blue DB 4.0%
CSIF Emerging Markets 6.1%
Total 100.0%