Meaning of Swiss fund names: "ZBH" etc

Hi all
are you confused on the different flavors of all the funds? What does “ZBH” mean??

finpension equities by CSIF:

  • CSIF: The Credit Suisse’s Brand of Funds
  • ESG: Ecologic, Social, Governance. some weighting and/ or exclusion of companies based on sustainability (whatever the definition of the fund issuer is). usually comes at a TER premium
  • B: "Q and UA share classes are reserved to Qualified Investors, whereas the F and B share class can be subscribed by both qualified and private investors.
  • H: “H indicates for hedged share classes”
  • Z: “Class ZB units are capital growth units for which no management commission is charged”
  • A/B: distributing/accumulating.
  • Blue: “The subfunds with the suffix “Blue” do not enter into securities lending.”
  • | - || - |||: refers to different umbrella subfunds, holdings entities etc.
    • "CSIF III Funds are solely available for Swiss Pension Funds "
  • “Plus” in “CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Small Cap ESG Blue - Pension Fund Plus DB”: ?
  • “D” in the same title: ?


maybe you know what the remaining infos mean?


Z - zero TER (separate fees arrangement)
A/B - distributing/accumulating.
H - currency hedged.

Kind of ESG in CS understanding.

Also for qualified investors, with TER.

I, II, III are different umbrella subfunds, holdings entities etc.

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do you have an official source for this?

this is wrong in my opinion, as

Credit Suisse Index Fund (CH) Umbrella
Umbrella Fund under Swiss Law of the “Other Funds for Traditional Investments” Type
Prospectus with Integrated Fund Contract
February 2021
Distribution in Switzerland

Comes as a publication with any CSIF fund, for example

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I’m trying to replicate VT fidelity as possible in Finpension 3a as well discussed in How to recreate vt vwce in finpension 3a.

By costumizing my strategy (actually global 100) I noticed two funds which looks identically:

  1. Swisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund World ex CH NT CHF
  2. Swisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund World ex CH NTH CHF

In the linked factsheets I didn’t find any differences other than the value of the shares.

The same happens to my 2nd portfolio where I meet:

CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Blue - Pension Fund Plus ZB
CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Blue - Pension Fund Plus ZBH

Finally anyone know whats means the H appearing into the name?



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Do you know if is it possible to find or estimate the cost of the “hedging”?

Cost is generally not very high
But the impact of hedging is beyond the costs to hedge. Because your returns are also impacted by choosing to hedge the currency.

The jury is still out about what makes sense in long term. It’s not a clear verdict (hedge or not to hedge)

To get an idea of the overall impact see link below MSCI hedged vs unhedged

And overall study
Impact of hedging equities

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