Iwda swda on swissquote app

On Swissquote app I keep seeing SWDA (USD on SIX) and IWDA (USD on LSE) with slightly different prices.
Since it’s the same ETF, I wonder if it’s an error on swissquote OR no one (aka hedge funds or anyone fast) saw it yet. One could buy on one side and sell on the other.

Actually it’s 17:40 now. SIX is closed. But I remember having seen it also a couple of hours ago…

(“Coffe” Topic more than else probably…)

Swissquote most prominently displays the price of the most recent transaction. The most recent transaction may have been half an hour ago (but different on the two exchanges). Did you compare that price or did you compare the bid/ask prices?

Also, prices on LSE might be delayed 15min in the Swissquote app if you don’t have a market subscription. SIX prices should be real-time (if you have an account and are logged in).


I just compared the most prominent. Thanks for answering.

Maybe you can also answer my other two questions about SQ app I posted elsewhere?

I have a question about Swissquote. I could not find exact thread where this might fit, so I am posting it here.

I have few shares of SSAC (in USD) and few shares of SSAC (in CHF) both traded on SIX at SQ. The reason for this is that i just use currency I have rather than exchanging them from one to another. The ISIN is same.

At some point in future, I might want to merge these two positions to CHF Ticker. Reason is my future expenses might not have much to do with USD. Based on my understanding, this should cost me total of 50 CHF irrespective of how many shares I accumulate in the two positions over time. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

Has anyone does such a thing before on any other broker or SQ?

I sent VWRL to PF once and they “transformed” to VWRD or whatever is the version they have. For Free. I told them that Ive bought VWRL but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter.

You can transfer all to PF. I wonder if you’ll pay 100 or 200 chf. “Position” isn’t ISIN.

VWRD is traded in USD and on LSE. Were your position in VWRL also bought on LSE or on SQ?

bought on AMX on IB. Or dussedorf. Not sure anymore. it was a while ago.
edit: the list is long https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?isin=IE00B3RBWM25#stock-exchange
edit2: VGWL VWRL VGWL VGWL.DE confusion

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