How to recreate VT/VWCE in Finpension 3a?

Thats the one with 0.13% TER and somewhere around 75% USA and mostly tech, right?

Whats your reasoning behind that?

I just tried to go with the current market cap for my 3a. Maybe 3% Switzerland and 10% smallcap wont make a big difference, but they wont make it worse, right?

I have a 50% smallcap value tilt in my taxable portfolio


Most probably it won’t - and I think you’re well on track with your proposed allocation.

In the end, you should absolutely go with what you feel comfortable with.

And I’ll readily admit to overoptimising part of my own portfolio (though not my finpension account) in a similar vein. :wink:


Hey everyone,

This is my first post and I am an absolute newbie, so bear with me…

Just out of curiosity, why would you opt for Equity World ex CH Quality instead of Blue? What I have read is that you should keep TER as low as possible, because it is one of the drivers that eats away on your returns. Thus, wouldn’t Blue be better as its TER is at 0%? Or is 0.13% negligible? Or is it somewhat safe to assume, that quality equities will outperform just large- & mid-cap companies?



In the OP i used the normal blue fund, not the quality one.

It is at least plausible, considering that MSCI Quality has quite consistently outperformed MSCI World.

More discussion here.


I am sorry, I didn’t mean in the OP, but @dbu s response to your post.

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Will you try to readjust the weights before the rebalancing takes place when the allocation has deviated? If I understand correctly, one would be required to log in weekly (on Mondays?) to check if the allocation has deviated? But even then I guess this would not really work reliably.

Or are you assuming that this is only happening on a rare occasion and therefore can be neglected?

Sorry i dont really understand your question.

Finpension rebalances themselves every week to your desired allocation. You dont need to do anything.

Does this help?

In a market capitalization-weighted portfolio I don‘t want rebalancing to take place.

For example:
Let‘s say emerging markets grow faster than the other countries and has now grown to 13% from the initial 11% in your starting allocation. This should not trigger a rebalancing. If you‘d now calculate the weights again, you‘d end up with the new numbers.

I recently asked Finpension if they will offer an option to disable automated rebalancing in the future. Luckily they are indeed working on this. But I wonder what you guys are doing in the meantime.

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Can just readjust the weight once a year, does backtesting make a meaningful difference vs anything more “correct”?

(Dividend means that market weight can already vary if you’re using accumulating funds)

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I recalculate the percentages once a year or so and will probably check it after a big market move. I don’t think any more than that would make a significant difference.

I’m at Viac, which rebalances automatically only when a fund or asset class deviates at least 2 percentage points from the target (and after deposit or strategy changes). This already reduces the frequency of rebalancing. Finpension is a bit more aggressive as it already rebalances at a single percentage point deviation.

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Now i understand what you mean. I honestly never thought about that.

Yes, your best bet would be to rebalance yourself every 3 to 6 months to the current world caps. Honestly it probably doesnt really matter.

Another alternative would be to to rebalance monthly to new world cap, because i invest cash monthly anyway.

You could also just take the world index, if you dont care about Emerging Markets. That way youd only hold one index and wouldnt ever need to worry about rebalancing.


Thank you for your comments and suggestions! I did not back-track it yet to see how often this would happen and how it would impact the performance.

I‘ll probably also stick with recalculating yearly or so.

If you could disable rebalancing, you could recreate VT once and leave it like that forever.

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How would you handle dividends?

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Which ETFs would you invest in and what percentage each?

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There is now an option to disable rebalancing in the app. :partying_face:
It’s not clear to me however, what happens when new funds are added to the portfolio. Will they be invested according to the strategy? Or according to the actual/current weights?

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I have a similar global portfolio with 3 positions (World, EM and Switzerland). Although Viac/Finpension say costs of rebalancing are very low due to “net pooling” (can’t remember the exact expression), I wonder if that’s really the case (risk of big spreads and other hidden costs).

Anyone cared to compare 3a position’s performance to Vanguard/IShare ETF’s or to the MSCI Index? In theory, the performance should be similar (higher TER for 3a, but pension fund tax advantages)?

Also, I think 3a positions are held in Credit Suisse funds. I haven’t done research on them and still feel a little unconfortable owning something I don’t fully understand (in comparison to classic ETFs). TER might be very low, but the there’s still tracking difference which might matter. Any thoughts on that?

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What about this point?

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