Help me choose health insurance model

Ok let’s stop here. You are going to pick up always the worst examples to make your point. It’s written on the link you said basically two things:

  1. If you pay you insurance while abroad, be warned that they might not pay you back once you need help.
  2. If you fly back and forth just for health reasons, you might not get paid.

Both point are interesting for whoever is reading this post, but the point I was trying to pass is not that. It’s about peace of mind. It’s about not feeling scared abroad. If you have an health problem that need to be solved in Switzerland, maybe it’s time to reconsider things. The point is simple. You might live as a vagabond around the world, if something really bad happens, you can still go back home, get the residence and be cured. After that it’s probably time to settle.


this is what I see in my part of Zurich :slight_smile:
Note that the first one is not available on Assura’s website! Weeird.
Also CSS is cheap, I might have a look at them, pity that their complementary insurance is weird.

Are these prices really for a person born in 1910?

It doesn’t matter when you are born. Check it. You can set any age > 18

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I also saw that, probablly that they did not update their website yet :wink: I would wait a few days and try again…

Young adultes are cheaper to 25

No, they did update. Yesterday I tried and saw the old prices. I don’t believe they do incremental updates :slight_smile:

Yes probably it’s not <18 but more. If you have all deductions < 1000 then you are still on the “young” category.

It is also about the cantons (implied by Gemeinde).
In Basel the fees are pretty much 100CHF more than the ones I saw from you guys around Zurich. :cry:

Edit: Potato - potato. :grin:
I am just sour about it being so expensive haha.

of course. I haven’t seen yet the same Gemeinde in two cantons :slight_smile:

I wonder if the guy of immomapper should add this to its apartment search pages. It’s still part of the equation a bit.
I wonder how it is in Zug. You pay less taxes but apartments costs more, maybe also health insurance :slight_smile:

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That is very counter-intuitive. I always thought that the premiums depend on your age, that’s why they go up every year. So you’re telling me a 100yo pays as much as a 30yo? And that the only price differences within the same insurance will be seen in the Gemeinde where you live? Seems very bizarre to have huge differences between this or that PLZ. Also, do the premiums just go up for everybody each year? Why is that? The society getting older, or the system getting less efficient somehow?

Wth? Premiums increase linear with age. There is a bigger jump when you turn 25.

Again, check moneyland.
0-30? is a price
31-999 another.

Yes, but it’s like that. For the greater good or however they say it. You don’t want to have it really linear or you might have big issues when you get old.
As you might guess from the price of my gemeinde, I live in a “poor” (for now) gemeinde: people get injured easily or they just go to the doctors too much. I suppose they model the price based on income. Low income (low cost) = labour intensive job = worse health.

Back to the beginning.

  • People go to the doctor for every single issue (they don’t understand that human being are imperfect OR they don’t care since “it’s already paid”)
  • Hospital are businesses: lockdown = 30mio franc less income = they will find a way to bill more next year.
  • This is pharmaland

Also there is this “lie” about the changes of prices that you read on newspapers… They always say like 1-2%raise per year, but that it’s on the basic insurance, which probably no one has. The discounted insurances raise way more than that.

(side note: this is a reason why you should read a bit of news from time to time :slight_smile: )

This is how I imagine your Gemeinde now:


I am totally convinced that AGE has much bigger effect on health than income. You spend most on health in the last year of your life. Then maybe Gemeinden with high age are more expensive? My gemeinde is very young and basically a big construction site…

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It is not exactly a price per gemeinde, it is per canton, but some of them are divided into 2 or 3 zones. There is a maximum percentage of difference of premiums between the most expensive and the other zones. It is based on the cost, they don’t use any other factor such as the income or whatever.


Good point about age. I have no idea how they do that.

I did try to put 2-3 cities in the canton of zurich and I obtained 2 prices. So you might be right. Difference is big : 230~ vs 270~

I found this online, no details, only the title “Die Prämienregionen der Schweiz” and some colors :stuck_out_tongue:

Boah, it seems to be right. Check the prices for Appenzell!

Basel Stadt, 2x the price!

So why are my girlfriend and me getting totally different premiums? 29yo and 24yo.

I have no idea when it changes. Maybe at 25?
Between 19 and 25 you are a young adult I believe.

Because of the different age groups. 0 to 18 years old is a child, 19 to 25 years a young adult and from 26 years on you count as an adult. Health insurance has to provide lower premiums for children and young adults.


has to provide lower premiums for children and CAN provide lower premiums for young adults (they all do anyway)

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