Hausrat & Privathaftpflicht (Furniture & Private Liability)

Are you sure about that? To me this would make no sense. Hausrat pays to replace your stuff, why would the landlord care about that? Liability would make more sense.

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Never sure :frowning: That’s why I need a wiki :slight_smile:

Liability insurance is all you need. Mine asked for nothing if I remember correctly. I didn‘t even have to open a Kaution-account

Exactly, my landlord clearly only asked for liability.
And if I ever need to add furniture coverage it’s only going ro take a phone call to my insurance to add it.

There could be additional benefits of the Hausrat insurance.
For me it already “paid off” (a couple of times).
My package covers theft and damage of sports and electronics equipment, and they sorted my stolen bike and broken phone (partially).

But one could argue at the calculations around it, didn’t do the exact numbers, therefore the quotes. :smiley:

Liability is more than fine, because it covers the damage you could personnally inflict to the goods of others.

Hausrat is different because it covers your own stuff, which is not covered by liability.

Dear all,

I reviewed my insurance contracts for private liability. I got the highest deductible and highest amount insurable (resp. 5000CHF and 20 MCHF).

However, I am not insured for “GrobfahrlĂ€ssigkeit” (Gross negligence according to Deepl). It costs 10 CHF/y more. My question : should I do it. I mean gross negligence is kind of a stretchable notion (is it just stupidness or is it already gross negligence). Stuff happening under alcohol, drugs (be it recreational or medical) is excluded anyway.

Cost is basically nothing, but kind of unsure.

Any advice ?

Do it.
I think I’ve read somewhere that any kind of negligence is counted. red light, forgetting the lights/water on

Here is a link that might help

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