Hair transplantation in Istanbul

that looks similar to my current hair situation. maybe your line was a bit more receded than mine.

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Your hair looked like Musk’s back in the paypal days.
Which bodes very well for your financial future :wink:

By the way:
Cortana, we can accept your political preferences… but blackface? Come on!

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It was risky to post this photos anyway. It’s not like everybody has a harry potter scar? :smiley:

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I found the picture OP3 the most interesting one, why is there a S shape when looking from top?

It’s the separation between donor area and transplant area. There is a good post on Quora about the whole topic:


I did FUE. Nobody does FUT nowadays.

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Quick update. 2.5 months passed since the operation and now the new hair already started to grow. Here is a comparison from 2 weeks before the OP and today:

Most of the new hair will grow between 4-12 months after the OP. So it will be pretty dense :smiley:


Looks promising.💁 Thanks for sharing.

Is there actually an upper age limit for this hair transplanting? Do u know?

And a bit other concept, but whatsabout transplanting young-poor-indian*-“donated”-hair-follicles into middle-aged europeans to replace thinning out & greying hair?

  • I know would be controversial & very neo-colonial, but I ask in theory and I hope no offense to anyone, I just chose a country which has financially poor people which might donate such for a fee to get out of poverty. I mean I think it’s done with kidneys…

There is no age limit as long as your donor area is good enough. If you check out Hairofistanbul on Instagram, you’ll see people in their 50s and 60s doing it with great results.

You can only transplant your own hair. I think the risk of rejection would be too high otherwise. And the ethical implications…imagine that lol.

Looking good. Does it feel like your own hair or (still) a bit “foreign”?

btw: Nice try trying to censor your non-mustachian designer glasses :wink:


It feels like my own hair :slight_smile:

Haha, they weren’t that expensive (150 Euro). Just don’t want to risk anybody spotting me.

Just a quick question… what is he drinking? :smiley:

congratulations, nice results. Be ready to get asked a lot of questions by everyone. (in RL, not here)