Hello mustachians,
I’ve noticed some ADHD/ritalin threads and really wanted your advice in an important issue.
I am 23 year old, non EU citizen, working in tech in Switzerland and unfortunately I have a very specific kind of PTSD diagnosed in my home country but without official documentation, just talk with the therapist.
As there is no scientific backed cure for it (besides MDMA therapy which is not YET legal) the only solutions to mask any symptoms it’s taking either anti anxiety medication or SSRI’s or anti psychotics.
As you can guess, all these solutions are complete crap, so I always avoided them. I tried very responsibly every substance (that could prevent trigger episodes, until a proper cure is not yet approved) and the only one that helps me without sacrificing almost nothing is ADHD medication (there is some investigation that dopaminergic effect of ADHD meds prevents the amygdala from misfiring, which i felt the effects before reading any correlation), which i would only take occasionally (like important presentation).
However, I went to a psychiatrist here in Switzerland, explained all of that, he agreed with the PTSD symptoms and diagnosis and offered me SSRI’s (which I dont want due to obvious reasons) and benzodiazipnes (which i dont want due to obvious reasons).
I asked for ADHD meds, stating that it was the only thing that helped and its side effects are incomparable with any SSRI or benzo. He blatantly refused with no explanation.
So my question: do you have any contact of an great psychiatrist in Zurich preferably, that really listens to the patient, and would be open to prescribe ADHD meds for a PTSD patient that simply does not want the complete crap that benzos and SSRI’s are?
Sorry for this weird case, but your help is invaluable.
For privacy reasons, you can DM me the name of the doctor, if you prefer.
And if anyone is in a similar situation, feel free to ping me.
Thank you all.