Future of Bitcoin

lol… the dsicussion. You can transfer AND settle billions within minutes on Sunday morning. BUT you don’t have to.

I didn’t say you HAVE to, I’m just curious about the actual use case for that? Why does anyone need to settle billions on Sunday morning?

I would say it’s not about if one wants to trade bitcoins on Sunday or not. If someone wants to and bitcoin exchange allows it , it’s fine

But it doesn’t make it a use case
It also doesn’t make it anything special.

Bottom line for me - it’s not a big deal the way Michael Slayer projected it to be.


Who is we?

The current monetary system with inflation incentivises borrowing and encourages investing. It works in favour of the wealthy and the powerful.

If you understand the system, you make it work in your favour too (don’t hold cash; borrow & invest)

I think it’s more that it shows a limitation on the current banking system.

We’re in 2024 and if I want to make a transfer to you on a Friday afternoon you will only get it Monday morning. Even if the transfer is 100 CHF and is automated anyway. Does this make sense?

Of course you can argue that it’s not the end of the world, and it’s definitely not because of this that Bitcoin will disrupt the world or anything but it’s one of small things in which Bitcoin is an improvement. It runs 24/7 globally. I find it laughable tbh that banking has these limitations still.

Twint. Also instant payments in CH from August


To be fair, in the EU instant payments in the SEPA zone have been a thing since 2017.

Although they’d probably have a few questions for you if you were transferring billions on a Sunday morning, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.


I mean TWINT is good enough to send some CHF to friends and co workers but it’s not really a fair comparison. TWINT is more akin to a credit card transaction than a bank transfer (with all the positives and negatives depending on which side of the transaction you are).

But outside of that it has not insignificant fees or limits. It also requires that both people have Swiss bank accounts.

Actually I don’t know why banking system has this limitation, specially seems to be the case with developed world . Lot of countries are moving away from it and you can transfer money 24x7.

Since everything happens online anyways and most likely automatically, most likely such restrictions occur to avoid fraud (and absence of personnel to fix issues) . Maybe Bitcoin or a similar blockchain system can solve this problem.

For me it is rather #2, but I find the technology / concept interesting. I have no idea if the value will eventually settle at 0, stay at current levels or move higher.

For me there are 2 types of people, some believe in the tech, some believe the price will just move higher and don’t care about anything else. The latter is just speculation and should not complain when experiencing significant losses. The tech “believers” think that the tech is interesting, but wouldn’t feel bad if it doesn’t work out (at least thats my opinion).

If someone thinks Crypto is not for them, fine, I don’t have a problem. First and foremost, people should always understand in what they are investing. If they decide to not invest in this specific asset, there are many other opportunities, important is that they invest in some asset (stocks, RE, metals etc.).

For BTC both people would need some kind of platform too :man_shrugging: It would also be necessary to convert salary from CHF to BTC

Instant payment already exists inside most other European countries.

For international payments there is Wise. And EU is adopting instant payment rules

Technical limitations simple as that. The core banking systems worldwide are mostly decades old and at the time of development nobody thought of instant payments or 24/7 payments because electronic payments were already fantastic back then.

you can already, 24x7 do instant transfers in the Eurozone. Switzerland and many other countries are following swift. Don’t understand what was so special about the ability to transfer funds over a weekend? Traditional banking as well allows for that.

Are you trying to buy a cup of coffee with a fraction of your building on 5th avenue?


Twint is limited to 3000.- by transactions, it is not an option for many things. Wise has so many fees…

How can I transfer AND settle a transaction a Sunday morning? I have never seen this. Don’t forget the settlement part.

Overall, I think you are missing the point. I doesn’t matter if you want to do it or if you prefer to rest on Sunday, that’s completely beside the point, it is not about the why and the how. Michael Saylor did it on a Sunday morning because he wanted to and there is no other way to do it than using bitcoin.

Edit: twint is even worse than I thought “A maximum of CHF 1000 can be sent to other users each calendar month, with the maximum amount that can be sent per calendar year being CHF 5000.”

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Of course it is about the why, it’s always about the why. If you don’t have a why, then it’s not a use case, just a feature.

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Not about your why… There is enough content about Saylor’s why

Btw non instant settlement is a feature, not a bug of financial market (it allows lending assets more smoothly, since you have a bit of time to line everything up after the trade).

(Though for retail users it’s best to hide the latency, but reducing settlement can also have an hidden cost since it makes security lending harder)

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SEPA Instant Credit Transfer. Transfers and settles in less than 10 seconds.

Being very specific - I looked it up - the use cases he gave with this quote about $800m were: if you want to buy a house on Saturday, in Africa, or to buy a car on Sunday morning