From what I see, we don’t know the intend no. For this research they interviewed finance executives, I think it is safe to assume it is for their own companies.
From the survey “Seventy-one percent of respondents said one of the top things they’d like to know is what others are actually doing with bitcoin.” and “Fifty percent of respondents from the technology sector anticipate holding the cryptocurrency in the future.”
We are still SO early, it is amazing.
BTW, in parallel, you can check what Gold is doing.
It would mean the 29% are trying to think by themselves instead of following the crowd? This is a huge proportion. Never seen any!..
Clearly the Bitcoin has taken some of Gold’s role as a speculative asset. Currently the Gold price is under pressure of rising bond yields. You can see almost live the relationship.
Directly owing the crypto has a huge advantage: you can earn with it. And the whole DeFi eco systems have just started.
It’s like you thinking bullish about USD and buy just USD instead of a ETF in USD. This applies to BTC or ETH as well, you can put it immediately to work for you.
By the way, stacking comes with some risks as well. Typically with ETH, you will have to wait for ETH 2.0 to un-stack, and we don’t know when that will be. Small risk imo, but something to consider nonetheless. Same for DeFi, the level of scam is worrisome, you need extra due diligence before investing, but some projects are amazing.
There are surely counterparty/default risk though. When I see USBC (which is the somewhat “safe” stable coin, not like USDT which is more controversial) offering 6% on some platform, with people thinking it must be safe, I have some doubt on financial literacy and it reminds me of the p2p loans all over again (if the rate is that much above risk free rate, you’re being compensated for taking some extra risk, make sure you know what that risk is and that the compensation for it is actually fair).
No, but as I would have with usual ETF/shares portfolio some part a little bit more risky, you can have this with crypto too.
Right now, I’m with 25% invested in some kind of locked investment. 80% of that in ETH2 staking, 10% DOT and KSM and rest in diverse “activities” by Binance. The latter are quite risky, but up until now had no issues. Those activities arise from time to time, like stack for 14 days with 20% interest p.a. Or you stack BNB and gain some new issued coins etc. Anyway, now you cannot pick a wrong coin.
I don’t have almost no stable coins, but in a bear market, probably I will and why not stake a part of it for 6% p.a. And always, never put everything on one horse.
That’s true, but I would not be all-in in crypto, if I wouldn’t believe in it the long-term. ETH2 need to be staked 2+ years and I take the risk for a reward of atm 8.8% p.a. with right now 20% of my portfolio.
Yes agree, if you are aware of this it already reduces your risk. I personally haven’t done it (I am full btc anyway) but I definitely understand the rational.
Everyone think that continue to go up when whole market will krash ?
Printed free money help outside market value to go up it’s true and will probably continue sometime.
Until some companies lost their valuation and big fish take back their money from “outside market” and this will drop probably like in 2017 and all small sell at a lower price or just keep until go up again.
A lot of people of 2017 sell in 2020 with all their stuff because was stuck with something worth nothing during 3 years and it’s pretty short 3 years. If you are happy with your profit sell and try to invest in true value who can worth something after a krash
BTC can up without issue higher and higher until two thing can happen :
first big risk is quantum computing who can in a near future retrieve all private key without issue
It’s a military technology developed by big country and no one know the real power these computers have today
second big risk is central bank and country who can say that’s illegal and when all exchanges refuse to take your coin for money yes you have a virtual token worth nothing but that’s all. Never forget a bitcoin is useless no one can use in his industry for manufacture something. Probably the major issue who should be solved with the next gen token have a true physical value.
Nobody like me but I’m still here and still wait for the big krash
Play on short time increase your value and try to keep your value for the next 10 years that’s the best todo
Do you sell your ETF before the crash? If no and add at a lower price, well that’s the same with crypto. Anyway some profit taking can be done, as it’s - at least for me - 10x the profit I would have with my former traditional portfolio.
When we reach this state, than we will have a lot of other problems beside crypto. All encryption must be replaced and if so for the whole internet, cryptos will not be just waiting.
If a certain level of adoption of cryptos is achieved (I admit, we are far from there), then you can erase the USD or money as we konw it from all crypto currencies pairs and think just in crpyto. Beside that, there is only one or two countries that will probably prohibit crypto, but it will never happen, that every country in the world agrees to such a prohibition worldwide.
Yes, but what if it happens in 2 years? You lose 2 years. Or the mass adoption happens in those 2 years. I know just speculation, but right now I see only bullish signs from every layer of society, economy and politics. Much more intense than in 2017.
I will never make the same mistakes I made in 2017 and earlier with my first couple of BTC sold for 200€ and less, because mostly I listened to doom’s day prophets.
My strategy: keep at least 60% of your actual coins. Buy and hold, whatever happens. The rest… kind of a trailing stop.
EDIT: My main risk is 3rd world war and the collapse of the Internet.
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