Future of Bitcoin

When/if crypto crosses my allowed 5% threshold, I will cull it.
Until then no action.


Never sell, always HODL… rationale is that I already took profit of 5x of my original investment. I’ll start thinking to get money out around 250k+ per BTC.

Ask @Cortana to invest on BTC… You’ll see the bubble burst istantly!


Withdrew my initial amount.
It’s on the house now, so to speak.

EDIT: Also, I’m short on TSLA.
That should be a good hedge a large drop in the value of BTC.

I am considering the same. Did you „just“ buy a put option or do you use another instrument?

A Put option and short selling are completely different things (except that the Put can be used as a bearish bet like the short selling).

Technically understood. Follow-up question (with the risk of disqualifying myself again :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:):

Practically I know how to buy a put option. However, how can I short as a DIY-Investor (SwissQuote-User)?

Not sure if Swiss Quote offers actual short selling to regular investors but IBKR certainly does.

Confession: on 21st of January I sold all my ETF & shares and bought BTC, ETH, DOT, LINK and a bunch of other altcoins.


I hope you are joking.

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Nope. No joking. It was a deliberate decision.


:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :open_hands:


If you haven’t bought DOGE then you clearly don’t know what you’re doing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But seriously, this is a very risky move, you can either reach FIRE tomorrow, or start from scratch…


Doge > All :smiley:

Joke aside @stojano, my two cents, your picks are not the worst, there is some potential, but I also believe that we are at the beginning of this cycle BTC bull run and you will gain the most leverage by focusing on it.

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Luckily, with my CPUs I was mining verushash paid out in DOGE. Never thought about it until it went “viral”. I’ll keep it.

It’s a risky move, yes. To mitigate this, I’m holding 60% of the coins on my hardware wallet and will keep it whatever happens. The rest I’ll keep until it shifts to a bear market… or taking small profits upwards. Twitter & FOMOs consensus should be between 140k and 320k per BTC. But you never know.

From now on I put all my monthly surplus to the hardware wallet in BTC.

Some small profits on freefall days with futures shorting 20x (but it’s more for fun).

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You lost me on “bunch of other altcoins”.

I have 10% of my NW in ABTC (ETF by 21 Shares) and nothing else. What’s the point of bunch of other altcoins long term (10y from now)? How to pick from the thousands available? What about the fact that, if you don’t trade during alt-seasons, long term BTC is winning anyway (based on past performance of course)?

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My split so far approx.:
60% BTC
30% ETH
2% DOT
1% BCH
1% LTC
1% XRP
2% Rest: DOGE, XLM, KSM, ALGO, AAVE, UNI, XTZ, EOS and ca. 30 others.

Some of the rest coins remained from 2017/18 trading as I never sell all coins but leave always some behind (on 5 exchanges so far).

I picked the top altcoins according the market cap and the staking possibilities (e.g. DOT & KSM gives me 12% p.a. on Kraken). The rest projects I find interesting.

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“5% of business executives intended to invest in #bitcoin as a corporate asset this year.”

  • source: Gartner

Well, I guess btc has its place in corporate treasury after all.

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For the source.

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Did those executive indicate how many bitcoins they intend to buy? Will they do it for their companies or for their clients?