@Zerte2 Only if people/countries accept to continue to use this worthless money for almost all. Look back when GBP has been replaced by USD. It’s not the first time and USD isn’t the last money 
@Neville you refuse message but this is my reply
That’s not what I’m saying. A crash will be coming, but nobody knows when and what will cause it.
And that won’t change either: crashes will always be coming and nobody will know what will cause them.
All ingredients are there for a big krach. When isn’t really important the only important thing is to be prepared and be ready.
This is an inaccurate depiction of what central banks are doing.
Central banks inject money inside already death enterprises and send money to everyone look US/AU. That can only increase debt and tax after sometime. Look how many money BCE send to EU bank for maintain their insane leverage. US bank have learn from 2008 to not be at more than 10. Lehmann have about 30 and most EU banks have more than 30…
When have people ever been positive? The market has always felt insecure and will always feel insecure.
Reading the news and deciding that this time it’s all different and things must be done in a certain way at a certain time and before another time is probably not a successfully approach to investing.
The key lies in defining a diversified strategy that’s adapted to one’s needs, goals and risk tolerance, and then sticking to it.
It’s wrong some signs are very positive sometime and trade war last year was a joke. I have just invest more when market is cheap 
Right now isn’t a cheap market but just a bubble. You can play short term but it’s not a long term strategy.
You lost more by viewing your shares lost value day after day than sell all when it’s high and buy back when it’s low. One of first rule of investing 
You can’t have a diversified strategy when all drop it’s just luck and luck isn’t a strategy. Even Buffet go to another market and value but lost a lot during big krach too much money for save all.
Almost all enterprises are affected by this crisis and nothing look good for near term future. If people lost their job they have less money to spend so all is negative for almost everybody. USD have already decrease his movement and not create any value. Most investors are disconnected from reality or take much more time for view actual reality.
People be positive when new enterprises are created all people have a job and money move a lot.
Some people not read not spend any time and just send money to a random ETF. Manager of these ETF win a lot of money with all fee and risks nothing not their money. These people can lost a lot and it’s hard to retrieve money if market stay stuck during years at the same krach price.