Developers developers developers

How many developers are on this forum? I’m asking because I’ve noticed that some of us do enjoy writing stuff for our belowed machines.

The reason I’m asking is also because I have a couple (say a dozen) project on my servers on various degree of completeness and thought that maybe I can share some with someone willing to work hard for our beloved FIRE.

Some of them might generate only traffic, while some other might get big and generate affiliate sales/ads etc.

Is anyone interested? I develop lately only for web based solutions, since that’s the only way to reach many users “easily”. Also it’s easier if you want to monetize them.


hey @ma0,
although i’m not a developer, “only” physicist/engineer with average coding skillz, i’d be interested to learn more by doing hands on. I come from the Matlab/Python domain, with residual C++ memories. Im interested in more C++,SQL, R, etc…

I’m zurich based.
do you think this is interesting?

Yes, definitely interesting.
Have you ever played around with Web development (html/javascript) ?

Most of the annoying parts of my projects are related to the “GUI side” of them. It’s a learnable skill though.

We might start some side stuff just to see how it works as a team if you prefer :slight_smile:

that would be a fantastic opportunity for me to learn something new!

i once did a tiny project in html, but never touched it since. lets get in touch!
i pm you

I’m a developer by training, although these days I work mostly on the server management. I do have experience with web and mobile development, though. What have you got cooking?

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I have some website I’ve already started that need some improvement on their frontend (web and mobile). Also they need some more traffic :slight_smile:

Maybe we can start some new project together and see where it goes.

I have two type of projects/interest:

  • nice ideas that I think needs to exist
  • small sites that once built they go on autopilot
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I always wanted to write a racing game. Even tried a few times, but I found it super difficult. Now my eyes are so tired after 8 hours of work that I try not to look at a monitor at home.


I am also a developer by training and I am currently working as a C# developer full time. I also do alot of other computer related stuff as a hobby.

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And I am as well a full time C# developer :slight_smile:


Yet another software developer here. Have done quite a bit of front end stuff in my time (mainly Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML, CSS, JS and JSF but have also dipped my toes into AngularJS a little). On the backend I have experience with PHP and Java.

@ma0 Frontend wise I could maybe lend a hand (depending on what is required and time), but I am no expert and I have done very little with mobile. I’m starting a new job soon where I might get some exposure to mobile dev. I am based around Bern.

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Also a computer scientist :raising_hand_man:
For my PhD, I work mostly with C++ and Python, although I’ve worked with web languages before (JS, Node, HTML/CSS, PHP).

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Not full developer, but I do spend some time analysing data with (less and less) Stata and (more and more) R. Originally as epidemiologist in Bern, currently as geographer in Brisbane.

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Full time iOS developer (in other words, I create apps for iPhone) here.

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I’m infrastructure engineer (specializing in configuration management, automation, CI/CD and monitoring) with moderate Python skills (used to do a lot of SQL, Java and C++ at Uni few years ago though).

But as we already discussed before, I’m only interested in contributing to open source outside of work.

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By the way, speaking of developers:

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There seems to be an awful lack of Frontend dev replies here so… if ever needed, I’m a full time Angular dev :wink:


I am a full stack developer. My main domain of expertises are: Javascript, Angular, React, Python, Django

full stack developer.

may I rant about that title?


FE dev here. I also have a couple of started project. It would be great to chat about this topic :slight_smile:

One thing I hate about side projects is the marketing/advertisement associated with it.
How do you guys handle that? Yourself? Hiring someone?