Crypto Taxation

Hi All,
Hope you all are healthy and wealthy (especially with the market now)

One question regarding declaration of crypto in taxation, any ideas on how to declare or how does it work with taxation?

In addition may I ask except from childcare, commutation what else is deductible from taxation ?

I would highly appreciate your suggestions.

Thank you
Stay healthy and wealthy!!!

And for crypto depends on the canton.
Last year in Basel I just listed one custom item under “other” and put an estimated value on 31.12., without any docs (as there is no brokerage involved).
Went well.

This year I will learn how Zurich handles that.

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I think this will set some guidelines: Kryptowährungen – Besteuerung | ESTV

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Is there any news on this topic? In particular for those like me who literally burned 8k chf in crypto last year between FTX and LUNA? :sweat_smile:

You can’t deduct crypto losses from taxes. At least not as a private investor.

How about deducting the cryptocurrencies I own or bought during the past year?

What do you mean? Why would you be able to deduct crypto that you own or have bought? If you still own them, you need to declare them as part of your wealth. And I can’t think of any reason why you could deduct bought crypto from your taxable income. If the cryptos are permanently lost, you no longer have to declare them as part of your wealth, of course.

In my understanding crypto is generally taxable as wealth and any income (like mining or staking) is generally taxable as income.

I assume the same rules apply for not being classified as a professional trader (holding period 6 months and more etc)