Crypto Moonshots

At least for the Mississipi bubble, there was a central bank issuing massively paper money that went directly into the speculation…

Hard to understand for me as well, it reminds me of skins you can buy on video games with real money like Fortnite. I guess for younger people there is more perceived value.

It took some time, but I’m here to get crazy too ;). I have finally transferred some small amount of play money to KuCoin and bought BEPRO for 1/5 of that amount. I know that it is very probable that I just bought it on top…but the amount is so small that it changes nothing, so I don’t care (I think it is a clue for such gambling). Any other specific recommendations? :smiley:

It’s cats man! Cats! On the blockchain! Humanity can’t get more evolved than that, there couldn’t be a better sign that blockchain is the technology of the future.

On a more serious note, movie/music distributors and graphical artists could get in on this, NFT could be there to stay.


Agree, this seems to be a very good use case for blockchain technology.
However I feel that right now people are buying up the “certificate” regardless of the underlying.

Like for physical art, a crappy painting by an unknown artist it’s worth basically nothing…even if it has a certificate of authenticity.
I’d guess people will soon realize that a random digital image of a cat is still worth nothing even if it has an NFT…or maybe I’m already too old for all this :sweat_smile:

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I am convince the use cases are there and chances are it will impact everyone of us. Like you’ve already mentioned Art, Collectible, Games and Music are the first things that come to mind. But the Web3 will also enable us to regain control and even extract value from our personal digital data.

The exuberance is here and human behaviors don’t change so yes we’re in bubble territory again and probably 95% of the NFT’s that people are buying right now will become worthless. But still, this space has evolve a lot since 2017 and I can’t wait to see what will be its state in a few years. And who knows, maybe some early projects from the pre-ERC721 era like Crypto Punks or even these crazy Mooncats will retain or grow in value as a digital artefacts of great historical values! :joy: :joy:

Sorry for the off topic. Back to the Moonshots! What’s the next crypto gem to hop on? :grinning:

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PonziCoin ( $PONZI ) :rocket: !

At least the name is honest :rofl:


From their website PonziCoin

We hope everyone had a good laugh :slight_smile: But we have to shut down. This was a parody art performance/joke. I did not “run off” with the money, I never sold any of my PonziCoins, and the contract was drained from other users withdrawing. Please be careful when investing in shady cryptocurrencies, especially ones that look like pyramid schemes - it’s a zero sum game and money doesn’t appear out of thin air.<


So there is at least a whale hodling for the next rush…

I leave this here:

It’s also reflecting what I think of the whole NFT stuff…


Unrelated to cryptos but to half of the thread’s title:

Direxion Moonshot Innovators ETF (MOON)

DOGE to the Moon



it overtakes Cardano market cap wise… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Crazy. More than $30 billion in one day!
But well, the Fed alone creates ~$30 billion per week, so we will see more and more stuff like that…

That s crazy guys! DOGE is really the shit of the shit of the dog :dog: :joy::joy:

Not value whatsoever!!

When I see this I am very concerned about legitimate investing!

3 months ago I wanted to buy some DOGE to my wife as a present. If I would have got a physical coin with a dog face, I would have spent few Ks but for a virtual face of a dog I said no :rofl::rofl::rofl: such a speculative world!

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The times are not for “legitimate” investing. :wink:

This is the time for irrational exuberance. There’s a lot of fools’ money running around, a lot of sharks eating the pigs, too. In the immortal words of Kenshiro, some are already dead, and they don’t know it yet.

Let it ride and enjoy the show, no matter how long it takes, things will start making sense again at some point.


Well said! (At lest 20 characters)

As long it is a game there is nothing to worry about. I’d be more concerned if the price of food was spiking.

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Billion dollar investment by TSLA must be imminent:

Elon’s alluding to it on Twitter just as he did shortly before they went public with their BTC investment.

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