cash/cryptoback credit card

Sending EUR from Revolut to is free. Quickest by credit card topup.

Yes as you mentioned yourself by going for a Turkish account, however if you already cover the costs for it then there seems to be no point in further optimizing.

If I understand correctly you would need to open a UK account as the card number has UK country code. Spotify will not accept it for a Swiss account.

Besides it being against the terms of service there is nothing stopping you from doing that. If you use the card at the same time thru Curve you very likely will get terminted tho or the cashback reversed.

I regularly sell them for EUR and then top-up the credit card with that.

Depends if you want to send the CHF to some bank account then not as is just a credit card, not an online bank like Revolut. (cdc) has interbankig rates up to the stated limits (iirc the 35k tier has 25k EUR interbanking rates / month).

Staking for the card works perfectly fine. Staking other coins or CRO outside of the card tier stake I use the defi wallet app instead.

No way of switching, base account is in EUR and every CHF transactions incurrs a FX exchange at interbanking rates.

iiuc you keep your current tier if you don’t actively unstake no matter if the price went up or down. So no need for manual restaking. Will be able to tell for sure in ~66 days.

I feel like I should ask for money for my nice replies :smiley:


To those who are using a “CH-issued” CDC Visa: How much can you spend without entering a PIN (contactless)?

My DE-issued card will only allow up to CHF 10 contactless payments so I have to take the insert card, enter PIN extra steps almost every time I pay for anything.

I had the impression it was the usual 40 CHF for me but I could be wrong.

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Thanks for all the replies, I can confirm that the only possibility for spotify is the one you mentioned. In your commitment CRO in € and put them in the account I guess you have no expenses, if you wanted to send them to your bank account (if there were many) do you know how it could be done? Do you want important taxes?

To those who are using a “CH-issued” CDC Visa: How much can you spend without entering a PIN (contactless)?

80 CHF with Postfinance Visa Card.

I staked them all until a certain number pre-determine by myself, and now I’m using this small fund as a ready-to-invest on another crypto if a news or a project make me think I can make some gains or that are looking good to stake as well. Always uselful to have that free money ready to be allocated to something that can potentially make even more free money.

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They upgraded to 80 CHF since Covid in 2020.

I saw the article you published on the CRO stakind on crypto DeFi, do you use this method with good results?
I just requested the curve card, so I will give my original crypto card to my girlfriend and I will keep it on curves in emergencies, but at most I would use it online.
Do you also use the card in switzerland for purchases in chf? How the exchange works in this case and the commissions.

Well I didn’t “published” it, just posted the link to it :slight_smile: but yes, pretty good results. I staked about 1k CRO in the DeFi wallet (from taking small profit from other coins positions to this), and just with putting it all my cashback and re-stake the reward I have now more than 2k in less than 3 months. I decided to not put more in it other than restake the reward every couple of days, and take profit when (if) the coin reach a determine value, whether it’s in 3 months or 10 years. We’ll see.

I use it for every transaction in my day to day life, in CHF, EUR, USD or TRY or whatever. Their is no commission, it’s just converted at the interbank rate at the moment of the purchase. I haven’t deep dive and deep tested to see if it’s exactly true, but all the time I had the amount in front of me (I used Google Finance function in Google Spreadsheet to backtrack the CHF amount when creating an cvs import for YNAB), it never seems particulary different than Revolut or other interbankar values. Someone else need to confirm.

Optimal. I wanted to start staking on the defi. Unfortunately I can’t install Chain Desktop Wallet (Beta) because it is not available in switzerland, how did you solve this problem? Can it be done without it?

Perfect, I will start using it too, I had the sheets on the table for the amex with 1% cashback, but I think I will not sign them and I will send it back to receive it, I will always use my crypto card from now on.

Why use a Beta desktop wallet when there is a totally functionnal and supported app? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: DeFi Wallet: A non-custodial crypto wallet boasting multiple features

I don’t know, I followed the directions of the blogger who recommends it :sweat_smile:. It also talks about the DeFi warner, but I am unable to set it.

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When I try to connect the DeFi Wallet android app, from, it says that the feature will be available in the near future…
Am I the only?

Good entry point below 0.40 usd?

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It’s been two months I still don’t have my g$%#$ card. Meanwhile I lost already half of what I put on it.

To add insult to injury, their chat app doesn’t allow you to chat about it. just click buttons until you reach the same useless page.

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Friend of mine just received his today after almost two months as well. Who knows…
And you haven’t “lost” anything, as it is locked and still yours… the value is low at the moment (classic crypto swing), great time to buy and stake, but it’s a lost only when it’s unstake and you sell everything… The fundamentals of the product have not changed (yet)…

Yeah I know the mantra.
The slope is a bit more than a simple swing though. Especially now that money seems to dry up and people might stop investing in crypto.

From my side it looks just sad. no losses (yet).

I might try netflix soon, with the vritual cc.

no reason why, imo. More and more use cases, Gaming industry is coming in hard… I don’t see a scenario where the crypto world disappear soon. We’ll see.

In the end I entered at 0.45 USD only 4 days before the collapse to 0.31 USD, now I am recovering, but in the meantime I also entered with 0.31 with an account that I had my girlfriend open and I covered the losses at moment. I hope it will go up in the next six months in order to have income from both of us.

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