Coupon, Voucher, Gutschein, Discount codes

Dear all,

For many years I was relying on a page of the Englishforum (which as you all know shutdown last year) to find some coupon codes that actually work!
You all know how coupons you find online from the like of and 20 Min gutschein website are crap

Additionally, I think by now you’re all aware of the Honey (Paypal) extension scam, exposed by MegaLag, an extension promising to find you the best coupon bla bla which in reality stole the affiliate commisions and even gave users a worse discount if the merchant was paying Honey.

Inspired by these events, I want to start this Topic where we can all share coupons and codes to get discounts.

Very often coupons can be reused by many customers and there are people selling them for a couple of bucks. Recently i purchased a coupon online, and thought why not share it with others, ultimately we all can benefit.

I would try to keep the focus on Swiss Shops (Brack, Interdiscount, Jumbo, Fust, etc…) and maybe some relevant online service (Cloud, Licenses, Subscriptions,…).

No affiliate links or codes for new customers please (Viac, Zak etc.)!!! Use existing or make a new topic!

Please use the following template:

  • Shop Name:
  • Discount Amount [CHF / %]:
  • Minum purchase:
  • Coupon Code:
  • Expiration Date:

Le me know what do you think :wink:

I’m thinking to potentially include also some fixed discounts for certain types of customers (Swisscom Benefits, Sunrise Moments, Raiffaisen Ticketshops, LaMobiliare Ticketcorner, etc…), but usually applies only for their customers. However if you’re at least aware of them, you might ask a friend or family member to buy it for you.


So here you go :wink:

  • Shop Name:
  • Discount Amount: 25 CHF
  • Minum purchase: 300 CHF
  • Coupon Code: HLJTGE9YNG
  • Expiration Date: 20.01.2025

Good idea !

I think this one has been used in the meanwhile as it appears to be invalid.


I suggest that when someone uses the coupon writes it here on the forum for the others to know :slight_smile:

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Apologies, it’s the one I purchased and used. I thought it was reusable

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I always look at Preispirat.


One (permanent) deal is the digital vouchers in the Poinz app. You get some cashback (in the app) on the value of the voucher. Here are a few examples:

Store Cashback Note
Ikea 5.5%
Conforama 6%
Zalando 5%
H&M 5%
C&A 5%
Decathlon 5% Only fixed amount 20/50/100 CHF

Your cashback balance can then be used to purchase other vouchers or eventually get wired to your bank account. For most stores you can generate vouchers of any amounts, so you can generate the voucher once you know the total value of your cart and use it right away at checkout.

And a voucher being a mean of payment, you can normally use it in combination with other discounts/offers.

Note: it does not require to apply for the Poinz credit cards, you can use other credit cards.

  • Shop:
  • Discount Amount: 20 CHF
  • Minum purchase: 200 CHF
  • Coupon Code: 013YR-2025
  • Expiration Date: 28.02.2025

  • Shop: - pictures prints and photo products
  • Discount Amount: 20 %
  • Minum purchase: Seems NONE
  • Coupon Code: CONSDEJA25
  • Expiration Date: 30.04.2025