Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

100chf fine if you are in a group > 5 people


They have listened to you @glina

bigger packet per capita than the US

4500 chf per capita.

I just started with the standard distribution I found online. But I agree with you VSS is something to overthink again, also it is a super small allocation I could remove. Thanks for questioning me!

I am, therefore I am for very long term also invested in PBW

No wonder, he is the Very Stable Genius!

Damn 0.7% TER :frowning:

Here’s another comment from our dear friend Bob Shiller for you:

"The last time we were near a bear market level, the market rebounded again to new heights. So some people are thinking that the same pattern will just repeat itself again. But I would caution them that the market doesn’t necessarily do that, and that we could be vulnerable to more drops.

It’s a high volatility period. I would advise people not to take any extreme measures. Don’t think it’s the time to sell out completely, but also, don’t conclude it’s a big buying opportunity and push into leveraged positions in the market."
“In past crises, confidence has been bolstered by international action, like central banks coming together and doing cohesive things to stimulate the economy. Right now we are sort of out of ammunition, with interest rates having been so low for so long. We can’t push them down much further.”


@Cortana this has to be great news for your girlfriend!
This will really help alot of entrepreneurs in these hard times.

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I personally split my savings into monthly chunks for 12 months because I believe there’s a huge crash coming in next 3-6 months and the recovery will take another couple of months (in worst case scenerio - 1-2 years).


You should probably know that FED increased its balance sheet by 0.5T$ already and still buying :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if FED buying will be enough to balance off the closed stores, lockdown consumers and the general panic we’re slowly approaching.

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Update: after I deleted the cookies from FT, the trick worked, the paywall is gone.

1 Like usually also works


trick number 3: add a dot at the end of the .com <–

down again.

Will be back up at 20h30 :stuck_out_tongue:

Bought a little bit more of VT today @ 57.50 on the news that China didn’t have any new cases yesterday. That put me close to 85% in equities now. But he narrative from @1000000CHF is compelling.

I know there is probably a long recovery ahead of us with some more low points and buying opportunities
 I should stop myself buying anymore at this level and save some cache.

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Yeah sounds good! Is there any concrete info about where she should call?

For the first time ever, today (it actually just ended) I am watching a white house press conference live and not only a ‘highlight’ reel of it.
My take on it: what a horrible circus. Trump really says nothing of value, pats his own back and keeps on blaming the previous administration. The reporters are clearly fed up with these answers but this apparently only leads to them asking nonsense and weird questions.
Dr. Fauci with his no-nonsense attitude and fact- based answers truly is a luminous figure and the person the world needs to listen to right now, in my humble opinion.


I’ve heard that you should contact your bank. They’ll provide you with maximum 20% of the revenue.

Don’t quote me on this though, It’s just what I’ve heard, I haven’t done any research myself.